Chapter 64

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By the time Coovers, Shockwave, Chairman Rose, Oleana, Ezria, and the pilot came out of Hammerlocke Stadium, most of the police had left to send Venarge and his security force to prison. Gunther and the other citizens that stayed to watch what was happening in the tower had left, with Gunther inviting everyone to coffee on the house at the Battle Café. Ash, Serena, Goh, Leon, and Sonia explained what happened at the tower to Looker and Officer Jenny. Coovers's face lit up to see Sonia again but his moment of joy was trampled as he realized Leon was leaning on her with his arm over her shoulder and Sonia was holding him with a side hug. He mentally prayed that it was nothing to fret over as Looker noticed him and Shockwave walking over to him with their prisoners.

"Ah, Chairman Rose. How kind of you to finally take time off your busy schedule to grace us with your presence," Looker said with a smirk. "And you brought your loyal secretary and her dear niece with you. How courteous. Who is the fourth person you brought with you, Coovers?"

"They were trying to get away on a helicopter. He's the pilot," Coovers said.

"Is he now? Well, that's enough cause for him to face a few charges," Officer Jenny said. "In any case, we'll take them off your plate, Officer Coovers."

"By all means. Shockwave, put them down," Coovers said.

Shockwave nodded and lowered Chairman Rose, Oleana, Ezria, and the pilot before releasing them from its psychic control. Officer Jenny and three other police officers took them and carried them to two police cars: Chairman Rose and Oleana were put in the back of the first one, and Ezria and the pilot were put in the second one. The pilot wept like a little child, but Ezria was still in such a state of shock that she didn't notice anything happening around her. Ash, Serena, Coovers, Leon, Sonia, Looker, Goh, Pikachu, Shockwave, and Cinderace watched the police drive away, their eyes on the prisoners until they were out of sight.

"So, Gwen said something about Zacian and Zamazenta coming and Eternatus getting captured by a regular Pokéball?" Coovers asked.

"Yup. Eternatus is right here," Goh said as he took out Eternatus's Pokéball.

"Fantastic," Coovers said. "So, how do we plan to seal it away?"

"That we will have to discuss with Gran," Sonia said. "Considering how she's known more about Eternatus longer than any of us, chances are she has a good way of keeping it from ever endangering lives again."

"I'm counting on it."

Everyone turned to see Timothy, Gwen, and Winnie exiting the stadium. The couple stopped holding hands before they went outside, not ready to reveal their relationship to everyone yet.

"I can't think of anyone more qualified to seal Eternatus away than Professor Magnolia," Gwen said.

"With all due respect, Ms. Weaver, I feel a Pokémon this dangerous should be kept in our secure facility," Looker said.

"No offense, Looker, but considering how your security wasn't able to stop Team Rocket from infiltrating your headquarters and stealing the Gieldanstone, I don't think we should take that chance," Timothy said. "This time, we should let the expert handle the dangerous thing, which will probably be hidden somewhere secret. Eternatus's whereabouts were a mystery for a long time. We should trust Professor Magnolia to make it a mystery again."

Gwen gave her boyfriend a sweet smile for taking her side. Looker furrowed his brow for a moment before he sighed and lowered his head.

"I suppose you're right, Timothy," Looker said.

"Great. Then let's head to Wedgehurst and bring Eternatus to Professor Magnolia," Serena said.

"Sounds good to me," Ash said before turning to Sonia. "We should also go to the Slumbering Weald and put the sword and shield back where you found them."

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