Chapter 24

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The next day, Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie woke up early to ensure they ate breakfast as soon as the Poékmon Center's cafeteria was open. After they had eaten, they went to the supermarket for supplies, ensuring they were ready to leave as soon as Timothy's battle was over. When they walked over to Stow-on-Side Stadium, only a few dozen people were in line for tickets, for most of the town's citizens had their share of watching gym battles, and Timothy's battle with Bea was the only one scheduled. The group went inside, and Timothy showed his ID to the staff member standing in front of the door before turning to Coovers, Gwen, and Winnie.

"Alright, time for badge number four," he said.

"You got this, Timbo," Coovers said, grinning. "Bea doesn't stand a chance."

"You got that right," Timothy said. "With Shockwave, Blitzwing, and Knightblade on my team, we're guaranteed to win."

"I'm holding you to that, Timothy," Gwen said. "Don't hold back. Make this battle as short as you can."

Timothy turned to his crush with a smile and said, "As you wish."

Gwen smiled back appreciatively. Without another word needing to be said, Timothy and Electchu walked past the staff member and weren't through the doors, entering the hall leading to the men's dressing room and the waiting room. Timothy changed into his uniform, and he and Electchu sat down on a bench, waiting for Timothy to be called out for his battle.

At eight fifty-five, a ding was heard through the speakers, followed by a staff member saying, "Number seven, Timothy, please proceed to the field for your battle. Number seven, Timothy."

Timothy and Electchu looked at each other and nodded, smirking before they stood up and walked down the hall to the field. The stadium was filled with so few people and Pokémon that the announcer introduced Timothy with less energy than he usually would. Timothy and Electchu could see Coovers, Gwen, and Winnie sitting alone in the front row seats on the west side of the field, waving to them.

Timothy and Electchu waved back as they walked over to their side of the field. On the other side, Bea was waiting for them. The young, fit Gym Leader looked calm and collected, yet Timothy and Electchu could not help but notice a look of restlessness and impatience in her gray eyes.

"I'm guessing you're as eager for the battle to be over as I am since I'm the last challenger you're going to battle this year," Timothy said.

"Indeed. I have made many Gym Challengers give up on the challenge save for a handful, and after I face you I will begin traveling to face competitors in the Great Class in the World Coronation Series," Bea said.

"You're in the Great Class? That's a shame," Timothy said. "I wouldn't mind using this battle to go up the ranks and win my fourth badge at the same time."

"I'm afraid it would not matter," Bea said. "There can only be one-on-one or two-on-two battles in the Normal and Great Classes, whereas there can only be four-on-four battles when competing against me as the Stow-on-Side Gym Leader. So, this cannot be both a Gym Battle and a World Coronation Series battle."

"That makes sense," Timothy said.

A referee flew over to the field on a platform attached to his Aegislash. and said, "This is a four-on-four battle between Bea, the Gym Leader, and number seven, Timothy, the Gym Challenger! The battle will be over when all four Pokémon from either side are unable to continue, and only the challenger can substitute Pokémon! Are the contestants ready?!"

"Ready," Bea said.

"Ready," Timothy replied.

"Then let the battle begin!" The referee shouted.

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