Chapter 35

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Timothy was back in his regular clothes, walking down the hall from the changing room with a proud grin. He held up his ring containing his badges with his new Rock Badge connected to the very top of the ring. Electchu walked beside him, ignoring the scratches on its body as it looked at the ring with a smirk.

"Rai Rai Raichu. Chu Rai Rai Raichu," Electchu said.

"You said it, pal. That was a great battle," Timothy said. "Sure, Gordie's Shuckle landed a couple of hits on you, but other than that, it was one easy win after another. And for Gordie's partner to be a Coalossal, making it super easy for Poliwrath to beat it in a snap? Man, where was that when we went against Kabu's Centiskorch? I tell you, Electchu, it feels so good to get an easy win like that in a Gym Battle again. No one fainting, no attacks weak against the Pokémon I Dynamax, no sludge in your face. We go in, kick the Gym Leader's butt, and get out."

"Raichu," Electchu said, nodding.

The man in the "H.A.K." shirt and his partner chuckled in delight as Timothy put away his ring just as they made it to the door leading to the lobby. When they entered the lobby, they saw Sonia standing in front of the door with Coovers while cradling Winnie. The Little Bear Pokemon looked green around the gills.

"Way to go, Timbo!" Coovers cheered.

"Great job, Timothy," Sonia chirped with a bright smile.

"Uh, thanks, guys," Timothy said. "Side notes: what are you doing here, Sonia? What happened to Winnie, and where's Gwen?"

"I just happened to be here for research and found Coovers and Eddie in the crowd," Sonia answered. "And it looks like a jumbo-sized bottle of honey was too much for poor Eddie."

"Teddi," Winnie whimpered, trying not to hurl.

"As for Gwen, some security guards asked her to come with them for something," Coovers said. "So, you should probably go find her."

"Me? What about you two?" Timothy asked.

Coovers bit his bottom lip to keep himself from squealing in excitement and said, "We're going on a date."

"You're what?!" Timothy shouted.

"Could you take Eddie and tell Gwen I'm sorry for overfeeding it when you find her? Thanks," Sonia said, handing Winnie to Timothy. "We're gonna be gone for a while, and I'm sure Gwen has something that'll make poor Eddie feel better."

"Wait, hold on a minute," Timothy said.

"See ya later, Timbo, and congratulations again!" Coovers called out as he and Sonia turned around and headed to the stadium entrance, the peach-haired woman waving with a cute smile.

"Guys!" Timothy called out.

Coovers and Sonia exited the stadium, ignoring Timothy. Timothy and Electchu stared at the entrance doors, flabbergasted, while Winnie moaned in Timothy's arms.

"Sonia is suddenly here, she said yes to a date with Coovers, Winnie has a stomach ache, and Gwen is taken by security?" Timothy asked before turning to Electchu. "What else did we miss while battling Gordie?"

"Raichu," Electchu said with a shrug.


Timothy and Electchu turned to their left to see Ezria racing toward them with her arms wide open, followed by Gwen and two League Staff members. Ezria cheerfully pulled Timothy into a tight hug, not noticing he had Winnie in his arms.

"The staff told me you won. I told you Gordie was going to be easy to beat," Ezria said.

"Yes, you did. And now we both only need two more badges," Timothy said. "Though, why are there security guards following you guys?"

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