Chapter 43

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The sky was turning yellow when Timothy went through the city gate. Small Pokémon were passing by, or digging burrows, or flying as Timothy walked down the path. Timothy's heart was racing as he grew eager to get the picnic over with. He tried to think of new ways to hint that he didn't like Ezria romantically until he heard Coovers' voice through the earpiece.

"Timothy, look to your left. I think I see Ezria," Coovers said.

Timothy turned his head and realized he was close to a tall hill. There was a cherry tree at the top, and next to it was Ezria sitting on a blanket with a picnic basket next to her. She wore a wine red dress with a black waist and right knee-high slit. She watched the sun slowly descend with a small smile on her lips that had lipstick matching her eyes. Timothy sighed and hung his head in dread before he took a deep breath and walked up the hill.

The sound of feet stepping on the grass caught Ezria's attention. Her cheeks turned red as she observed Timothy in the suit and gave him a flirtatious look. She stood up and walked down to meet him.

"My, my. You exceeded my expectations," Ezria said. "You look very dashing, Timothy. I especially love how your tie matches your eyes."

"Thanks," Timothy said. "You, uh, look stunning yourself."

"Oh, tell me the news. Not the history," Ezria said playfully. "On a different note, you're a few minutes early. Eager to start the date?"

Timothy heard Gwen scoff from the earpiece.

"You could say that," he said.

"I'm glad to hear it," Ezria said. "Let's get started then, shall we?"

Timothy nodded, and Ezria took his hand to lead him to the top of the hill. Ezria sat back down on the blanket and smiled at Timothy, and she patted a spot next to her. Timothy sat down next to Ezria just as she opened the picnic basket. She took out two plates, glass cups, two containers; one containing sandwiches, the other full of berries, and a bottle of cider. She put a sandwich and a handful of berries on each plate, then filled both glasses with cider. Ezria handed a glass to Timothy before she raised hers.

"To Galar and the Championship Cup," she said.

Timothy forced a smile and clinked Ezria's drink with his.

"To Galar and the Championship Cup," he said.

They took a sip of their cider before digging into their supper. Timothy quietly ate his sandwich, but he could feel Ezria looking at him with another flirtatious smile as she ate her berries one at a time. Her alluring stare made Timothy uncomfortable, but he forced himself to act like he didn't notice. As he chewed on a berry, he looked around the area looking for a plane or a place where a TV crew could hide, but there was nothing in the sky, and there were no bushes or boulders where someone could hide.

"Strike a conversation," Coovers said through the earpiece.

"Why?" Timothy muttered so Ezria couldn't hear.

"Ezria's expecting a nice time with you, so you should keep her entertained while she still holds the cards," Coovers said.

Timothy quietly scoffed and grumbled incoherent words. Then he took a moment to think of what to say before reluctantly turning to Ezria, who was still eyeing him.

"So, uh, you must be over the moon that you finally get to compete in the Championship Cup," he said.

"That's putting it mildly," Ezria said. "Tell you the truth, Timothy, I would have waited an eternity to get the chance to win the tournament and face Leon."

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