°requests are open°

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Hellos guys! I'm allowing any requests that involve the hashiras and demons (and yes that's including Muzan Jackson)

Although I might make a book just for the demons, who knows 🤷‍♂️

The reader will be mostly gender neutral by can be male, female, non-binary, trans etc.. . upon your requests

For the love of God, please do not request:

° rape

° abuse

° minorxadult

° p3dophilia

° incest (not in this household, go to Alabama for that shit..)

What you can request:


° lemons/limes

° angst

° mlm

° wlw

and much more

When addressing requests.. first come, first serve people. We live by this rule

Please wait patiently for your headcannon/oneshot to be written

If you want to be anonymous and don't want to request in the comments, pm (private message) me

And that is all folks, see ya next time

Peace :) 


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