°headcannon #6°

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𝖣𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝖺𝗇𝗃𝗂𝗋𝗈
𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗒 𝖽𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗒 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗍 :𝗉

Your relationship with Gonpachiro Kamaboko will include:

• Tanjiro is very very respectful, he will ask you about your boundaries and how you feel with his affection. he will occasionally surprise you with hugs and kisses if he knows you’re okay with that.

• He’s always there for you without a doubt. If you’re ever feeling bad about yourself he’ll try his best to make you feel better.

• Tanjiro loves how well you get along with Nezuko and that you don’t mind her being a demon.

• Tanjiro always puts others before him, including you. before himself meaning he gets in dangerous situations because he’s always worrying about others more so than himself. so you have to sometimes knock some sense into him and tell the bby to start focusing more on himself.

• He’s very affectionate, when he loves somebody a lot so the affection will all be channeled there.

• If you talk bad about yourself, he will always be there to reassure you that you aren’t as negative as you say you are.

• He’s very subtle about being jealous. He’ll make his presence known, but not butt-into the situation. He’s very scared that you’d leave him but you reassure the boy because he’s too precious.

• If you cook for him he’s ready to marry you on the spot. Tanjiro LOVES your cooking even if it isn’t even that good, it’s the thought that counts.

• Ready to F I G H T anyone who says you aren’t as pretty as he thinks you are, much like what happened with Nezuko and Yushuro he will start noting off all your best qualities in an effort to change the person's mind.

• Tanjiro loves to play with your hair, he finds it comforting and does both yours and Nezukos in a similar style somehow

• Trusts you completely! He won’t be afraid to leave Nezuko with you because he knows you won’t do anything bad to her.

• He’s very open about what he thinks to you. He trusts you a lot and he loves talking to you because you listen to what he says and you’re a reliable source of decision making for him.

• Tanjiro loves to see you on his haori, he gets flustered everytime he sees you in it.

• Zenitsu has a thing for you, but Tan-chan makes it clear that he has feelings for you. so Zenitsu better not interfere because he will roast that bitch with some flame breathing.

(Sorry not sorry Zenitsu, that's just the rules :>)

• The boy loves your cuddles. you’re always there to warm him up, or vice versa. he warms your c o l d body up with his snuggles. You two will just lay there in eachother’s arms.

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