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Pure Tengen Smut <33

Tengen has always looked like a giant of a man.

With him looming over you, his legs bending at the knees faster and faster, slamming his cock into you, that giant smirk on his face and the hungry look in his eyes he seems even more imposing, more raw and animalistic.

"More." You whimpered out, "I need more, Tengen, please. It's not... not enough."

Even though you can see his cum flowing down your stomach you wanted more of it.

How many hours has it been since he said he was gonna breed you tonight? One? Five? Was it morning already? No, not yet.

You weren't done yet, he wasn't done yet. Not even close. His cock was still hard and his balls full.

Tengen swiped the hair off his forehead, the hand then gripping your ankle and bringing it to his lips while his thumb made circles on your stiff clit.

"You really want to get pregnant tonight don't you babe?" You nod frantically, much to his delight, "Open up for me, let me get my seed deep in there."

You reached out one hand to him, his expression softening along with yours as he took it along with pushing your leg further back, his arm locked under your knee, the other hooked on his hip, trembling as your orgasm approached fast.

"I love you so much Tengen. You're gonna be an amazing baby daddy." Your words send him over the edge again, warm seed flowing and filling your pussy, flooding your womb all over again, your world going blank, barely hearing his own love confession.

You didn't need to hear it, you could feel it, around you and inside of you.

(292 words)

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