°headcannon #103°

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°•If Gyutaro hurts reader during intimacy•°

Warnings: NSFW, smut content, blood mention

- Canon Gyutaro honestly wouldn't give a shit

- His own well-being, pleasure and satisfaction are above yours even though you are important to him

- Also, he's a too strong demon so sex would definitely be too dangerous for you anyway and the chances of you ending up in a lot of pain or even getting hurt are pretty high

- You'd have to be someone pretty brave (or horny lol) to take on the delicious risk

- But if you're someone who enjoys pain in situations like these, this is your lucky day

- Once you managed to turn Gyutaro on there is no turning back, he will fuck you without stopping or allowing you to rest because his instinct to feel this unique pleasure that only you give him stops him

- He tries to be careful, he really does because you are a pathetic human with a stupidly fragile body but there are times when he inevitably ends up hurting you but it would never be on purpose (because after all he loves you)

- Once you were under him while he was doing his thing, your legs were open but not wide enough according to Gyutaro so desperate, he grabbed your thighs and spread your legs wide beyond your limits

"Shit..." it was all he said as he heared the "crack" sound.

- You yelled as you felt a painful twinge in your core and between your legs and only when you didn't stop whimpering, he stopped.

- You've also been hurt by his fingers or by his member, he wants to enter deeper and harder inside you so that's when Gyutaro doesn't measure his strength and you feel a rip that will take time to heal

- His teeth are a danger too, sometimes he bites you so hard that you end up bleeding and he leaves you alone and walks away

- Or else he will be tempted to taste more of your blood and end up killing you

- Sometimes small cuts are left on different parts of your skin such as lips, tongue, neck, legs or even your cunt when he wants to taste you

- Other times, he presses his nails very hard against you and you end up with red and almost bloody scratches all over your body

- Now, if we're talking about a more fictional and considered Gyutaro, he'd feel like shit

- As soon as he sees that he has hurt you, he will walk away from you and will not want to have sex for many days because he is afraid of hurting you again

- Without realizing it or worse, killing you and he would never forgive himself for that

- Gyutaro would obsessively kiss every part of your body that he hurt almost to the point of tears while begging you to forgive him

- He knows he was an idiot so he would punish himself by making his skin bleed as usual

(499 words)

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