°headcannon #78°

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𝖦𝖾𝗇𝗒𝖺 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌
𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆: Shevahime

- Contrary to his looks, Genya can be a very caring and gentle young man

- Similar to his brother, he has built a tough exterior that he displays to the world

- However, if you get close to him enough, that intimidating facade will slowly crumble

- The first time you saw Genya, he was probably standing alone like the lone wolf he is.

- You stared at him, interested in talking to him but too frightened by his height and appearance to make a move

- He would feel your gaze on him and automatically turn to look at you, his normally resentful eyes widening as he sees you

- He'd quickly turn around in an attempt to hide the blush on his face

- As we know, Genya is not the best at talking to girls

- He can be awkward and freezes up especially if he finds you very cute, which he probably does

- You soon build the courage to approach him and to your disappointment, he ignores you

- Not really, he's just nervous

- You don't understand him

- He never talks to you and walks away whenever you try to, yet you'll catch him staring at you from across the room

- One time, you'd go to your room in the Butterfly Estate just to find a small gift he'd left for you

- You knew it was him because one of the girls saw him put it there

- Eventually, you confront him about this

"Shinazugawa Genya. Why do you ignore me just to stare at me from across the room? It's kind of strange, don't you think?"

- Of course, he'd freeze up at your confrontation

- You only sigh as you turn to walk away when you hear him say something

"I... I'm.. not good with talking to.. people. Sorry."

- That's how your relationship starts

- You've become the first person Genya can talk to without a problem

- Because of you, he becomes less nervous to talk to other people, because he finds no one cuter than you

- Because he find you the cutest though, he'll still get butterflies in his stomach whenever he sees you

- Genya shows you his kind side always never will he disrespect or be mean to you.

- He's not the most talkative, but his smile speaks for itself

- He's always happy to see you and enjoys seeing you smile as well

- The staring will cease to end

- He can stare at you for hours if you'd allow him to

- He's too obvious about this though

- Genya has a fairly big hunger, so he enjoys it when you cook for him

- He'll always invite you to come with him to eat if Tanjiro's the one whose cooking

- Genya really enjoys talking to you, it's his favorite thing to do with you

- His words were probably all fumbled in the beginning, but as he grew more relaxed

- He's confident about holding conversations with you

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