°headcannon #95°

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𝖨𝗍'𝗌 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖫𝗂𝗍𝗍𝗅𝖾 𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 𝖿𝗍. 𝖳𝖺𝗇𝗃𝗂𝗋𝗈 𝖪𝖺𝗆𝖺𝖽𝗈

- Tanjiro, who always keeps little hair ties on his wrist to instinctively pass to you after he notices your habit of constantly brushing hair from your face

- Tanjiro, who sets your plate with each food carefully separated because he knows how much you hate it when the different textures mix

- Tanjiro, who offers you up a tissue to blow your nose as he's memorized the signs of your bodies declining health from a cold when your nose scrunches up when it itches and your eyes ever so slightly water

- Tanjiro, who grabs an extra pillow to bunch under your head when you're coming to bed because he knows you can't sleep without it

- Tanjiro, who memorizes your favorite food preferences so that he knows exactly what to make you when you come home after a rough day, or any day for that matter

- Tanjiro, who buries his head deep into the crook of your neck when the two of you cuddle in bed so that you can tangle your fingers into his hair and lull both of you to sleep

- Tanjiro, who surprises you with a new blanket one day after he picked up on your habit of kicking off yours once you start to uncomfortably sweat and shift at night

- Tanjiro, who spends the night running his calloused hands across your back while you bury your head in his chest, talking endlessly about amusing stories of the past when you come to him for consoling and want nothing more than for him to provide a distraction from your troubles

- Tanjiro, who doesn't try to pry or coax you into sharing your feelings with him when you're too upset too talk

- Tanjiro, who instead reminds you that he'll always be there to listen when or if you're ever ready, and is more than willing to attempt to cheer you up or just lend and ear when you need him

- Tanjiro, who is likely the only being on earth that could name every instance or object in a day that will make you smile

- Tanjiro, who takes note of every favorite or preference you have to surprise you with small gifts that remind him of you when he comes back from long missions

- Tanjiro, who writes little notes and tucks away in your clothes when you're not looking for you to find a read when you're going about your day as a reminder that he's always thinking of you

- Tanjiro, who will be the first to defend you and set someone straight when a person makes a joke that pushes your boundaries or jabs at your personal insecurities

- Tanjiro, who's the first to apologize and attempt to correct his mistakes after an argument where he's at fault

- Tanjiro, who's willing to recognize his carelessness when he does something that worries you

- Tanjiro, who promises that no matter what he'll always go above and beyond to make sure that you know how much you matter to him and just how far he'll go to make you happy

(519 words)

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