°headcannon #21°

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Birthday at The Butterfly Estate

Summary: Zenitsu and crew had just arrived back at the Butterfly Estate after an especially hard battle. With what would be a few sore days of doing nothing but laying in bed recovering, it was beginning to look as if Zenitsu’s birthday would once again, but nothing spectacular. Lucky for him though, you were pulling out all the tricks in the book to make his day perfect!


 zenitsu x reader

pre-established relationship

just pure fluff tbh. got that cute shit and tbh a little angst maybe..


It was only a week ago that Zenitsu was sent out along with Inosuke and Tanjiro to handle another powerful demon.

When he had come to you with his temporary goodbyes, you couldn’t help but feel plagued with anxiety.

You had been there when he was retrieved from the Natagumo mountain, as a member of the kakushi clean up crew. It was true that he was powerful, but the shape he came out of the mountain in was horrifying.

Who knew if he could take another beating that bad?

You tried to keep the picture of his bloody, beaten face out of your mind as you set to work around the estate, helping heal and train those in recovery alongside your fellow workers.

Helping them did little to calm your nerves, but it kept you busy and sinking hours into something helped time pass. 

You had just finished up with your last patient for your shift when you were approached by Mitsuri.

Arguably the friendliest of the Pillars, Mitsuri was someone you got along well with. Despite that, her appearance still caused confusion as you two didn’t spend much time together outside of work. 

“Oh, hello Mitsuri.”

Yuu greeted with a small bow.

“(Y/N), I was looking all over for you! Did you know that Zenitsu’s birthday is coming up?” 

“W-What! When is it? He didn’t tell me anything about it!” 

“It’s in just two days. The group should be back just in time to celebrate. We got word that they accomplished their job and are heading back as we speak.”

“I gotta do something! What kind of person would I be to write his birthday off as if it was nothing!” 

“Perhaps a gift?”

Mitsuri suggested.

"There is a town a few miles west where you could buy a present.” 

“Yeah about that…”

You reached into your pocket to reveal your nearly empty money pouch.

 “No can do. Maybe I cook him something and draw up a birthday card!” 

“That sounds like a good idea! But… do you know how to cook?” 

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