°headcannon #60°

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𝖨𝗇𝗈𝗌𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝖭𝗌𝖿𝗐 𝖠𝗅𝗉𝗁𝖺𝖻𝖾𝗍

꧁4𝗄+ 𝖲𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅꧂

The overall vote (the only vote really) was for Inosuke so yeah..

gender!neutral reader

And uh enjoy.. 🥲👍

A= Aftercare

- Haha what´s that?

-He doesn't understand the concept of aftercare so you have to explain it to him

- He really tries his best and loves it when you take care of him afterwards

- Bathing time is his favorite

B= Body part

- On him it´s either his arms or chest since he likes his muscles

- He's a very strong guy and has worked hard for it

- He loves it when you compliment him on them too

- On you he loves everything

- He can't decide but your tummy is up there

- Loves to rest his hand or head on there

- Is always caressing you and placing kisses


- He cums a lot and it´s very thick in consistency too

- Loves to cum all over you, especially on your tummy

- If you let him cum inside, he'll go feral

D= Dirty secret

- Wants to fuck you while his friends watch you

- Loves to brag about you overall, so his biggest fantasy is this

- It gets his ego up knowing that he's the only one able to fuck you like that

E= Experience

- None before you

- He didn't have any thoughts in that direction, so it never interested him

- But he's very eager to learn and so excited that you show him this amazing feeling he only gets with you

F= Favorite position

- Sitting up with you riding him

- Holding you as close as possible

- Likes missionary too when he hooks your legs over his shoulders and presses into you

G= Goofy

- Sex is the only time where he's not goofing off

- He's very serious about making you feel good

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