°headcannon #15°

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𝖭𝗌𝖿𝗐/𝖲𝖿𝗐 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌: 𝖦𝗂𝗒𝗎𝗎 𝖳𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗈𝗄𝖺

Aged-up characters


- Giyuu is the most observant and oblivious person there is. So, he isn’t always the best at picking up signs, but one thing is for sure: he is protective over the ones he loves.

- Giyuu is very protective of you and gets visibly angry if anyone hurts or upsets you.

- Giyuu has a strong sense of justice and loyalty. Therefore, he will not tolerate any disrespect towards his lover. Whether that be from one of his team members or a demon, he is quick to save the day.

- Giyuu leaves you little gifts from his travels. Whether that be a pebble shaped into a heart, a special type of flower, or some jewelry, he always tries to get you gifts to show you are always on his mind.

- Giyuu is still not the best with words. If you are upset, he will do little things to cheer you up. Such as draw you a bath, cuddles, give you some tea, etc.

- Giyuu loves to cuddle. Having you in his arms is his safe haven. Especially when he sleeps so he knows you are safe.

- Giyuu has little pet names for you. His favorite to call you is, “love” or “my love.” He also calls you “baby,” “dear,” “angel,” etc.

- Giyuu loves when you play with his hair. He doesn’t let many touch it, but you are the exception. He likes when you massage his scalp or play with his long locks.

- Giyuu is not one for PDA (personal displays of affection) so don’t expect him to be all lovey dovey with you in public. Except if someone flirts with his significant other. Then you can expect his arm snaked around your waist as the person gets death glares or a remark from Giyuu.

⚠️ 18+ WARNING ⚠️

NSFW 18+

- Popular belief is that Giyuu is vanilla in the bedroom and to that I say, to you are correct. But it doesn’t mean he doesn’t pleasure his lover ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

- Oh, I promise you, kinky or not, Giyuu is sure to have his lover stuffed with his nine and half inch cock

- And you will be taking all of it. Whether you like it or not because overtime, there is a dark side to Giyuu not many people know. The sadistic side. The kinky side

- Giyuu loves to watch you beg for mercy, your little holes just taking in all of his cock. Incase you didn’t know, he has a size kink

- Also loves to mark you up. It is more private since he doesn’t want the others to see what he does to your delicate skin, but those thighs, chest, stomach, etc. is covered in his lips and bite marks

- He is also into bondage

- Enjoys edging you when you have been naughty. Better beg extra good if you want to cum anytime soon

- Just like Tanjiro pull on his hair. Don’t ask questions: do it

- Not loud during sex unless giving commands or grumbling low curses. He can fuck you in silence. The master of quiet

- Doesn’t really care for you to call him Daddy or Master, but we let you call him it if you like it. He is a sadist yet he is also a pleasing dom

- Giyuu can be a switch. It’s not his preferred method in the bedroom, but he is down to try new things with his significant other

(Sorry to anyone who knows me ;-;)

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