°headcannon #52°

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𝖦𝖾𝗇𝗒𝖺 𝗑 𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾𝖺𝖿𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗍𝖾!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋

aged-up characters

- Ohh you know what your doing, by being so affectionate towards him

- You know he can't even handle you saying hi to him without passing out

- I guess I can't blame you he is adorable af

- Like I said he can barely handle you talking to him so imagine him confessing to you

- Oh boy how can earthier of you to forget that day

- All he could think about was you

-  And how you'd always hug him after he was done training with Gyomei

- He was so worried that all of that would be flushed down the drain if he told you how he felt

- He was so nervous he thought he was going to throw up but he had to tell you, even if he didn't want to

- He confessed to you at the swordsmans village at the baths

- Which probably wasn't the best place, because if things went south and you didn't have feelings for him

- It might have made him look like a perv

- But still he made sure nobody was around to tell you

"Y/n look I um have something to tell you... look know this is weird but ...well i-"

- Poor boy can't even speak he was so worried

"I kinda well.. like you"

- He was also afraid that you would beat the shit out of him because well you're taller than him

- Of course you said yes like bro why are you even here if you said no

- You hug him, which makes him blush because you both are naked

- Thankfully the hugs and the affection don't disappear there's more

- Not only that but every day you make sure you kiss him at least once, he's a blushing mess every time

- Also please pick this boy up and hold him in your arms, even though you are only a few inches taller than him

-  Like fr just imagine a flustered Genya in your arms and barely breathing and you

- Just love him to death

- Don't get him wrong he loves your hugs and kisses, even though he passes out of every time

- But you have to be careful about being affectionate in front of other people

- He doesn't know how other people will react

- Like a boy like if another boy?

- How does that even work?

- There's only a few people who your aloud to be affectionate with around

- Those people are Misturi, Gyomei, Tanjiro and Muichiro because he doesn't give af

- You ARE NOT allowed to be affectionate with him around Sanemi at all

- Sanemi wants him to raise a family with a lovely wife

- How would he react if he had a husband instead

- Misturi found out on accident

- Genya had come to the butterfly mansion for a check up

- He had just finished talking to Shinobu

- And you had pounced on him as soon as you saw him

"Genya! It feels like forever since saw you! Even though I saw you this morning but still!! Missed you!!"

- Oh course he was a blushing mess, but he still hugged you back.

- You gave him a small peck on cheek, he was gonna try and return the favor until he noticed Misturi standing there

- It was awkward, both of you literary about to kiss just staring at her

- He pushes you away

"It's..it's not w-what it looks like! I can explain!-"

- You think misturi cares if your gay or not?

- No, she thinks the both of you are adorable!

- Misturi broke the silence

"Aww oh my you boys look so cute!"

- Literary ships you to probably has for a long time

- Both of you are kinda stunned by this

"How long have you've to been together? Does Sanemi know about you too?"

- Misturi understands that you to want your relationship private

- And she respects that

- She loves eating with you both

- You have to drag him to eat with Misturi

- She loves how cling and pounce on him whenever you see him

- She finds you too cute!!!

I'm back bitches!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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