°headcannon #47°

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𝖦𝗂𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖳𝗁𝖾𝗆 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝖪𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾𝗌 <3


- Is a gentle man; his voice may be brash but his touch is soft and sweet like the petals of blooming wisteria

- One night he arrives at your shared estate after a mission, sliding open the shoji with a deep sigh that seems to rack his whole body

- As he places cautious footsteps on the tatami mats, he wanders throughout the bones of the house

- Rengoku is almost on his third pass around the entrance to your bedroom when he hears you

“Kyojuro? Is that you?”

- Your voice rings in his ears like the wind chimes at his parents’ house and he softens

- Turning, he is met with the sight of your open arms and his tired smile grows wider as he nearly collapses into them

- Rengoku breathes in your scent, and he can faintly pick up on the smell of clean cotton and burnt embers

- You fill his lungs with the feeling of safety, the air he needs to continue on

- His fingertips run along the expanse of your back, taking you in again and again

- Pulling his face from the crook of your neck, you search his gaze for any signs of sorrow but you register only pure love and adoration

- Rengoku lets himself relax in your hold and when he feels your lips press against his forehead, he melts even further into you

“I’m home..”

-  He whispers into the midnight air and your embrace welcomes him back


- She lays with her head in your lap

- The summer breeze kisses the apples of her cheeks as she watches kanao run drills over and over again

- Despite the occasional comment here and there, everything is bathed in a comfortable silence

- The boys have made away to the sanctuary of their cots, but you find yourself content here

- Gazing down at your lover, you push a strand of hair from her forehead with a warm grin

- As confident as shinobu presents, she dismisses kanao before returning a beautiful smile that leaves you breathless

- Her eyes of indigo change levels as she sits up to meet your stare with a triumphant chuckle

“Y/n, dear... are you blushing?”

- She laughs and immediately, you are enraptured by her quintessence

- You answer her honestly with a nod, but cannot seem to find the correct words for the moment

- So instead, you cradle her face in your hands and bring her lips to meet yours

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