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Inosuke Sfw/Nsfw Headcannons

request from: FNAF_Professor


- Inosuke is not a person who is known for having his emotions in check

- At all

- He doesn't understand most of the things he feels, and he is known to totally misconstrue on emotion for another

- The same case stands for when he starts to fall for someone

- His heart beats fast around them, and his head gets all fuzzy, and this makes him upset

- How dare they make his chest feel all weird

- This, of course, leads to him wanting to fight them with what seems to be little to no reason on the outside

- The only way anyone finds out about his feelings is when he angrily tells his future partner to stop making his head feel light and his chest feel weird

- Thats when it clicks, 'Oh, he's just really emotionally stunted

- So his partner has to walk him through this whole "Being in love" thing, as he calls it, and after a brief explanation he is way more than willing to give it a try! (Thank goodness)

- As dense as Inosuke is, he picks up on the whole relationship stuff really quickly, with almost no issue

- Well... a little issue.

- Inosuke's only basis for what a healthy relationship is is what he's seen from where he was raised up, which isn't always acceptable behavior to humans... but he tries his hardest!

- He's a big cuddle bug, almost always attached to his lovers side

- He's either full on hugging them, or has an arm wrapped around their waist or shoulder- anything to make sure everyone knows who they belong to

- He is a sucker for giving them piggyback rides and just carrying them around in general

- He just loves showing off to them how big and strong he is

"Look! Look! I can pick you up and carry you around! Don't you love me so much?!"

- Also its just another way to assert that he is in a relationship with them and both of them are very happy together

- Did I mention he is incredibly territorial, because he is.

- He needs that constant reassurance that they are committed to him and won't be leaving his side anytime soon

- He really does love them and they aren't something he's willing to give up or loose

- His protectiveness stems from his insecurities about himself, and he just needs that extra reassurance that they are there for him and no one can take them away

- No one.

- Would literally kill a man if they got hurt like, he would be so blinded by rage that its like he's become super human

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