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𝖦𝖾𝗇𝗒𝖺 𝖥𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗒 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌
𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆: cats8books

- Genya is a sweet and lovely boy, who's with me?

- Now we all now that Genya is really bad with girls

- He gets red when he's near them,even just a simple hello from a girl

- His body would become hot and he would be wishy washy

- So imagine the shocked face his friends had when they learned you're his s/o

- Zenitsu is fuming (he's just jealous)

- Pda? Nah fam, he'll faint if you even hold his hand or kiss his cheek in public

- Of course once he'll get used to it, he'll hold your hands when both of you decided to take a walk

- If he's feeling confident, he'll sneak a cute little peck on your cheeks and running away hiding his red face using his hands

- Genya will spoil you with gifts and such

- One time he brings you a squirrel because it reminds him of you (odd gift but pop off ig)

- Both you and him named him Nemi because- if you read the manga you'll probably know :")

- If you're a demon Slayer he'll accompany you in some missions

- If you're a normal villager, he'll protect you at all cost and make sure that your safety is guaranteed

- If you're a pillar,he wanted to train with you (although if you do train with him he'll probably do it with a blush on his face)

- At first Sanemi doesn't like you at all

- But seeing his brother genuinely happy being with you

- He'll change his mind and be more nicer towards you

- See him always bringing flowers whenever both of you would be out together

- A date? Flowers

- Picnic together? Flowers

- Taking a walk together? Flowers

- Literally going on the same mission together? Flowers

- Sex? More like later in marriage

- Seriously he doesn't want to have sex before marriage

- He is a good boy

- Typical dates such as eating out together, going to a festival together, going on advantures to find a secret hotspring

- But he enjoys a picnic date, or just picking flowers with you

- If you make him a bento he'll cry out of joy

- If you gave him a cute little charm, he'll always brings it whenever he's on mission

- It'll be his lucky charm

- Genya would never say no to you

- He just can't with your cute puppy eyes

- He'll literally melt if you hug him

- He'll brag about you only if he's feeling brave

- Whenever both of you got into argument, he'll apologize first and cooks you your favorite food

- He loves to cuddle,but he was shy to ask for the first few times

- But eventually there will be a day where he would cuddle you without feeling nervous

•Soft kisses on your cheeks, forehead, hands, lips

- But only if he's feeling brave or he's jealous

- He's a very good listener,and also gives out good advice too

- He'll let you cry on his shoulder both in public or private place, regardless of your gender

- He LOVES to hear your sleepy voice, it's so cute omg

- Please kiss his scars, He'll be putty in your hands

- Also please remind him to take a break when he's training

- Baby needs it so much :(

- When you cuddle, he loves to be the small spoon

- He feels protected and loved, but he also doesn't mind being the big spoon

- If you tease him,his face would go hot and red

- Overall a good, soft boy

- 10/10 would do again

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