°headcannon #41°

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𝖦𝗂𝗒𝗎𝗎 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌
𝗋𝖾𝗊𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆: _SHY-KID_

- Oh dude if you go out with this fucker

- Expect it to be Soft as Fuck

- A marshmallow boii through and through

- If you’ve dated someone before, expect to be teaching him the in’s and out’s of a relationship

- And let’s be real, that shit’s going to be the best story fodder for the future kiddies

- Hope you’re patient as fuck because it’ll be hella rewarding when he opens up and starts taking initiative i guarantee it bitch

- If you’re each other’s first relationship, though it’ll be a bit awkward for sure but on the bright side of things

- You’ll bond over not knowing how a relationship works and just sort of make it your own thing

- And let’s be real, you’d prefer to do things your own way

- And so would he because that meant less embarrassing moments atleast he hoped

- Please compliment the fuck out of him

- He needs the love and support and by the gods would you be caught dead if this boi even remotely looks like he’s doubting himself

- Eating simmered salmon?

- Say he’s doing an amazing job nah I’m kidding haha.. unless?

- Give compliments in moderate dose

- Enough to rekindle the self-love that was destroyed by years of loneliness, hardship and depression

- He may not be too comfortable with physical affection yet, much less PDA

- So try to make him get used to it little by little

- Hug him when you’re alone

- Gods know he needs that shit after being depraved for so long

- If he tries to squirm away (although i doubt he’ll do because he’s afraid of hurting your feelings) do let go or just pull away at arms length

- But also watch as he prepares himself before hugging you himself

- Because seeing your crestfallen face was enough to kill him until your smile revived him

- Oh speaking of which, be very considerate of his opinion

- He doesn’t speak much, but you figure it’s because he doesn’t get the chance to or he doesn’t know how to speak what hes thinking correctly

- So asking him for his opinion on things with a warm smile

- And waiting as patient as always will make him so fucking thankful

- God what did he do to deserve you

- Will definitely be very protective

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