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"𝖨 𝖢𝖺𝗇 𝖧𝗈𝗅𝖽 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖶𝗁𝗈𝗅𝖾 𝖶𝗈𝗋𝗅𝖽 𝖨𝗇 𝖬𝗒 𝖧𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗌"


- You and Tanjiro sat down for a well earned break on the engawa as a result of your tough training

“Hey Tanjiro?”

- You called out as he averted his gaze from the sky to you with a head tilt

- Prompting you to proceed with whatever you called him for

- You cupped his face with your hands on his cheeks, flashing a soft smile.

“I can hold the world in my hands.”

- At your words, you were able to physically see Tanjiro’s pupils dilate affectionately as a light shade of pink coated the apple of his cheeks

“In that case..”

- He also placed his hands on your cheeks too

“I can also hold the world in my hands”

- You both smiled at each other while giggling a bit


- You were comforting Zenitsu with a hug, his head laying on your chest while his arms were wrapped your torso

- Letting tears spill out of his eyes uncontrollably as Zenitsu does

“I don’t wanna go on the mission!”

- He wailed, hugging you tighter

- You just patted his back like in comfort

“You’ll be fine, besides I promised to give you a gift when you return remember?”

- His tears calmed down to mere sniffles

“Yeah…I remember.”

- He muttered

- He did feel a bit better now

“And look what I discovered.”

- You lifted his head from your chest and cupped his cheeks lovingly

“I can hold the whole world in my hands.”

- Zenitsu squealed dotingly and enveloped you in a big hug

- Knocking you from the tree you were leaning against to the grass

“Oh Y/n! You’re too good for me!!”


- You were running over to him with a wave and he thought it was a game of tag

- Your hand being a signal to him that you were it

- So he began to run away from you with his trademark laugh

“I give up! You win!!”

- You called out to him

- Even though it wasn’t a game, that was the only way you’d get the boar’s attention

- Inosuke celebrated his victory by pumping a fist in the air

“I told you I never lose!”

- He chuckled

“Alright well I know something you probably can’t do!”

- You snickered, a hand over your mouth

“Try me!”

- He challenged

- You walked over to him and took off his mask before cupping his cheeks

“I can hold the whole world in my hands!”

- Inosuke blinked a few times before narrowing his eyes at you in pure confusion


- You slid a hand down your face and sighed

“Don’t make me explain it, it totally defeats the purpose.”

- Surely enough, you ended up explaining it which took about half an hour for him to get but hey, you got there

- He took it as a challenge and squashed both your cheeks with one of his hands

“Well I can hold the world in only one of my hands!”

- He had a smug look on his face as you could only laugh

“Not everything had to be a challenge y’know.”

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