°headcannon #19°

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𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗉𝖾𝗍 𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗌 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗁 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 <3


- flower, petal, blossom, dewdrop

he’s a very sweet boy, but he’s also a gentleman, unlike inosuke some other people.

- likes calling you all sorts of sweet, nature-y things. things that make you blush and feel pretty, because no matter what, no matter the time he wants to assure you that you are the a b s o l u t e prettiest

- but he does also like to just stick to your name, it feels polite, and he’d die before he ever even vaguely disrespected you

- the pet names tend to come out a lot when he’s feeling emotional too lots of things like:

 “i’m so happy i’m finally back home with you, flower.” 

- after a long mission, or on the occasion that he has a nightmare, the frequent occasion, that is:

 “promise me you’ll never leave my side, petal.."

-  through tears that he tries to reign in but can’t

- he just loves being sweet and gentle with you, no matter the circumstance

- after all he’s been through and had to deal with, being able to be like this with someone is very refreshing for him


- obviously due to circumstances, for the vast majority of your initial time together, she can’t say very much to begin with

- it’s a lot of soft cooing at you and hugging on your arm and rubbing her face in your neck she’s kind of like a cat

- after the red light district incident, when she can somewhat, talk again, even if only briefly, before the muzzle is back on her she says your name for the first time in the midst of tanjiro frantically making sure she’s alright

- it’s not until everything is truly over muzan is defeated, she’s human again–that pet names are truly a thing of your relationship

- but once they are, t h e y. a r e. a l l. t h e. t i m e. f r e q u e n t l y.

- she doesn’t like to call your name very much it feels like she’s making it seem as if she’s upset with you

- “darling”, “love”, “sunshine” she’s unbearably sweet to you. and plus she likes to giggle at your flustered reactions

- talks about how cute you are with her brother when she thinks you’re not listening

“i called them sunflower and it looked like they were going to faint, i love them so much, big brother!”

- tanjiro is a very supportive brother, tells you about the interaction later


- [inserts increasingly loud approaching whine of your name here]

- he’s not one to really go for pet names. at least not very often, he’s too shy and too scared

- not to mention he likes the sound of your name, he likes saying it, likes that he even has the privilege of saying it, of being so familiar with you

- but on a rare, especially emotional or romantic or any kind of special occasion, more than pet names, he’s really just one to sweet talk you

 “you know… y-you’re really a blessing in my life, Y/n…”

- baby is insecure, constantly worries about being too weak for you, what if you doubt his ability protect you, what if you doubt him as a man in general

- so he takes care to remind you just how lucky he feels to have you

- i think if he were to use a n y kind of pet name at all with you would be:

- “love” or “dear”–simple, not as embarrassing or weird things as inosuke someone else that’s maybe more confident or brash then he is

-  if you mentioned liking a certain pet name, he’d jump to use it every now and then, too-just wants to please you


‐ hear me out... piglet

- at first it’s an insult, albeit a joking, playful one you’re his favorite person, he’s not exactly jumping to try and fight you all the time like he is when he sees the other boys or anything, even if he did do so the first time you met

- “piglet” was meant to make you feel tiny, meant to boost his own ego

- you’re his piglet, is the whole point, his tiny piglet that he has to protect all the time

- when you blush and seem to enjoy it after a while in a way that isn’t just laughing at him and poking fun back at him, he’s frustrated

- half-heartedly, not at all genuinely, but he throws a fit about it.

 “ why are you getting all red?...stop it."


- he’s not. you both know he’s not.

- after he gets over his fit, the word “piglet” is said with a touch more softness, affection, then before

- he doesn’t seem to notice he’s doing it though

- don’t tell him. he’ll have another fit

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