°headcannon #79°

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{16𝗄 𝗌𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅}
𝖲𝖺𝖻𝗂𝗍𝗈 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆𝖺𝗅𝖾!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
𝖭𝖲𝖥𝖶 & 𝖥𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿

"G'morning, baby.."

His tired mumbles echoed through the pillow, but it was obvious he was speaking to his recently awoken wife.

Your stretches were accompanied by squeaking moans as your joints popped and muscles strained.

Tiredly you rolled into him, fitting yourself along his side even if he wasn't facing you. As always his arm lazily threw itself along your waist, tugging you closer as he turned to his side. 

"Morning, Sabito."

You couldn't help but smile before tucking your head under his chin and hugging him closer, leaving not a space between the both of you.

Just as you expected, he placed soft kisses on your forehead as his hands smoothed over your back, fingers trailing over the bare skin between your shoulder blades. 

"Love you."

Despite being married to the man, your cheeks always flushed and plumped with a smile whenever he gave you such affection. 

"I love you, too."

Tilting your head, your lips sealed to his. You earned yourself a tired groan from your husband.

His fingers, rough and calloused, tailed down your spine before settling at the dip of your back

Unconsciously he palmed your ass, feeling the flesh fill his hand as a deeper groan rumbled in his chest. 

Parting from his lips you sucked in a few breaths, a smile still on your face as you laughed to herself.

"You're so easy to turn on, you know."

"It's not hard when I love your ass."

Unabashedly he groped the skin in his hands before tugging your hips to his, feeling his morning erection against your thighs.

Without his urging you wrapped a thigh over his hips, just how he liked. Neither missed the trickle of cum from the night before that wet your inner thighs. 

"Think this might be it?"

You looked up in timid excitement, seeking him for affirmation. 

"Baby there's no way you aren't pregnant by now. But we can use that as an excuse to fill you up again."

The teasing nature of his voice was laced with honey, just as sweet and gentle as the kisses he graced over your cheeks. 

His fingers weren't shy, not after being together so long and doing so much together, trailing down between your thighs from behind.

Fingertips grazed your entrance, feeling the mixture of his cum and your wetness before prodding inside.

You rocked her hips into the feeling, back arched in a way he found devine. 

"That's it, that's my good girl~"

Despite the usual kinky nature of the sentence, the smile gracing his face warmed the tone, leaving flutters in your heart at his gentle praising

With his palming of your ass he tilted your hips, letting the head of his cock graze your lower lips and the wetness between them.

With a smug huff he pushed the head inside, sliding in easily with the slick. No effort was needed for him to thrust into your depths. 

Your chests pressed together, bodies conformed to one another. Just the gentlest rocking of his hips was enough for the moment.

Even if he was feral the night before, he would give you mercy this morning. 

He felt you shift your weight before holding your hip in place. The man knew from experience you wanted to get on top, to ride him.

A kiss from his lips were pressed to your own. 

"Don't worry about that, dear. Let me make you feel good."

Hours later he awoke again, looking down at his sleeping wife. A smug satisfaction settled over him as you dozed away against his chest.

Still, he placed a soft kiss to the crown of your head. 

"Love you, baby."

(622 words)

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