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Kyojuro x fem!reader
Date Headcannons

request from: LuxuriousCoffee8

- Kyojuro prefers to take his lover to quiet spots for dates

- With his occupation, dates are rare, and often short

- While he has the time, he wants to hear about how they are doing without any interruptions

- He laughs a lot more with his s/o.

- Even if there is nothing to laugh about, being in his s/o's presence puts him in an especially good mood

- He tries to use his "inside voice" around her; it is much softer, serene and deep

- He has the habit of unintentionally overpowering people when they talk

- But he desires to let his s/o know that he is listening to her and enjoying it, hearing every word she has to say

"And that was all I did yesterday.. Kyojuro, did it bore you? You're not saying anything."

"Haha, not at all! Your day seemed wonderful. I hope to join you one day. perhaps we can spend the afternoon together."

- His eyes are always focused on them. compared to his usual, bright and excited wide-eyes that most know him for

- His eyes are much softer and loving around his s/o

- Sometimes they will have cooking dates

- Since kyōjurō trained consistently throughout his child and teenage years, he did not really get the chance to learn how to cook like Senjuro.

- So his s/o will invite him over just to teach him how to cook a meal and well.. it gets very messy

"What the.. Kyojuro. You remembered to take the spoon out of the bowl before you put it in the oven, right?"


"Kyojuro! My god.."

- He has a difficult time talking about himself, especially if asked questions about his childhood

- He will often change the subject.

- However, as he grows more attached to his s/o, he will begin opening up.

- When it is raining, Kyojuro likes to have dates at his estate to watch the rain with his s/o and Senjuro

- He knows it may be immature and irresponsible but he will let Senjuro jump in puddles, often even joining him

- He has a strong immune system, so he is usually okay unless he gets sick

- There are times where kyōjurō is so exhausted and sore from his duties that he does not feel like doing anything.

- Those dates will just consist of them lazing around in his or her home, doing whatever she please. (he secretly enjoys her doting on him)

"Look at you.. come, lay down next to me. My poor Kyo must be so exhausted."

"I'm fine! but.. if you insist, I won't refuse it, my love."

- he never realized how touch-starved he was until he began dating

- As outgoing he is, he can become a little shy when asking for physical attention it depends on how long he has been dating them

- If they are just beginning to know each other, even simple handholding will mean a lot to him

- If they are in their later stages of dating, he feels more comfortable receiving and giving love

- When you two are alone, he likes to hold you close, whisper little secrets and sweet nothings into your ear it makes him feel like a teenager in love

- He never experienced that.

"Mm.. if it were not for my missions, I would lay here and hold you for the rest of my days."

"I would love that.. but you know that's not possible, baby."

"Haha, yes.. just wishful thinking."

(589 words)

(I hope you like this LuxuriousCoffee8!!)

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