°headcannon #90°

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𝖦𝗂𝗒𝗎𝗎 𝗑 𝗂𝗇𝗃𝗎𝗋𝖾𝖽𝗀𝖾𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋!𝗇𝖾𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖺𝗅!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋

- To be honest, Giyuu didn't want you coming on a mission with him in the first place

- So the fact you got injured while out on the mission he didn't want you to go on in the first place kind of sets him off

- He would glare away as he's carrying you away to a safe spot or back to the pillars home to get treated and fixed up

- If he can't reach the pillars home, he would bandage you up as best as possible

- Not saying a word but being careful to not hurt you anymore than you were already, while taking care of you

"There's a reason never wanted you to go on this mission to begin with... Why don't you ever listen to me..?"

"I try to protect you and feel like you just don't care..."

- While his words seem harsh, he genuinely is upset and concerned about you and he takes it hard because he knew this was going to happen and still let you tag along

- When you finally get fully treated, Giyuu is there on and off for you.

- This brings you down considering you wish he was there more, but the boy needed to take some time for thinking.

- When he is there for you, he's always by your side, watching you carefully

- Every muscle, every movement, he notices it all

- He's very observant when it comes to making sure you're alright

- He'll often carry you around or bring you some warm tea to sip on, while you sit outside and enjoy the atmosphere about you

- At night, even when he's away during the day, he comes and visits just to make sure you're doing alright

- He checks in on you and questions Shinobu on your routine throughout the day.

- In the morning you'll wake up to small gifts Giyuu has left you, get well medicines or some herbs to relax you

- Even when he's not there, he wants you to be happy and healthy

- All in all, he's trying his best to make up for letting you come and getting hurt

- Being unable to protect you properly and taking it upon himself to train harder and become more aware

(377 words)

(Also sorry for not uploading for a while-)

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