°headcannon #11°

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𝖳𝖺𝗇𝗃𝗂𝗋𝗈 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋

𝖫𝗈𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖼𝗋𝗈𝗐

Summary : Upon coming home from a mission, Tanjiro finds his wife devastated by the loss of her crow and does all he can to comfort her.

Warnings : angst, mentions of death, mentions of injuries, fluff towards the end

Being completely honest, I imagine Tanjiro would be able to smell that something had died before his significant other even told him about it.

He wouldn’t know who or what it was as he came home from his mission that night.

However all he knew was that unmistakable scent of death lingering around his house..… the same house he shared with his wife.

Tanjiro immediately dropped everything and sprinted towards the front door, completely ignoring the pain his body was in after being wounded in battle.

His shoulders were bruised, his back completely marked with deep slashes running all along his skin. It took an unbearable amount of strength for him to rush through the front door, but he didn’t care.

All that concerned him in that moment was making sure his wife was safe.

That you weren’t the one responsible for that scent of death that filled his nostrils.

“Y/N?! Y/N are you in here?!”

He yelled as he made his way around the house, shouting your name while he searched every room you could possibly be in.

However you was nowhere to be found. Tears flooded his eyes, anxiety surging throughout his entire being as he rushed to search the house again, determined not to give up until he had found you.

As we all know, Tanjiro already blames himself for his family’s death.. so just imagine how he’s feeling now that he thinks his wife has died as well. It was like the entire thing was happening all over again.

Just like last time he had been away from home, unable to prevent anything from happening to the people he left at the house.

And both times he found an unsettling scent upon his arrival back. Tears immediately flooded his eyes, anxiety surging throughout his entire being as he continuously shouted your name.

He was terrified to say the least, did something really happen to his wife?No! He couldn’t lose you.

Not when he wasn’t even able to say goodbye, knowing how Tanjiro is, he would refuse to give up until you were found, despite the clear signs that you were no where to be seen.

Even if it was just your lifeless body before him, he still had to know. So he quickly rushed outside, ready to search out there too, when he suddenly stopped, his eyes widening to a particular sight before him.

He noticed a small human figure sitting on the back porch, all alone in the darkness of the night.


He spoke softly, watching the figure turn around to reveal the face of his wife staring back at him.

Naturally he was relieved at first, the gratefulness he felt that his wife was still alive became too unexplainable for words.

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