°headcannon #20°

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𝖱𝖾𝗇𝗀𝗈𝗄𝗎 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌

♥︎𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗒 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗍 ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

- No need for introductions, you already know what kind of eccentric sweetheart you’re dealing with

- You know how how he’s always smiling and cheerful? When he sees you his smile just widens even more

- You may see him as your sun, but he sees you as the light of his life, the light that he would never let anything happen to

- When you’re both away for a while and finally manage to see each other, expect the warmest of welcomes from him

- Hugs, kisses, he will even lift you off the ground and spin you around cheerfully while laughing and being the goof he is (he can’t help it, you just bring so much joy to him)

- And even if you saw each other literally 24 hours ago he’d still be thrilled to see you (just like a puppy)

- He’d ask you about your day, and even if it was bland and boring he’d still be listening carefully, with that curious glint in his loving, crimson eyes

- During these moments he can’t stop but stare at you and admire how alluring you always look

- (sometimes he’d stare at you for a little bit too long, but the poor boy doesn’t even realize it)

- However if you feel uncomfortable he’ll stop immediately! The last thing he’d ever want to do is make his s/o feel bad in any way

- He’d often chuckle and say apologetically:

“Forgive me my dear, I just can’t help but look at how mesmerizing you are.”

- Gentleman.

- He’s always so thoughtful and courteous, you often can’t help but blush at this sweetness in front of you

- Oh and if you’re in a bad mood? This boy won’t give up until his bby feels better

- Then the hugs, kisses and gentle, loving touches just multiply

- However he’ll be very gentle and considerate! If you need space, he won’t complain, he understands perfectly that sometimes people need time to themselves

- But don’t expect him to forget about it. As soon as you feel better or want to talk again he’ll greet you with so much affection you won’t even know what hit you

- If you need to vent out to him he’s all ears

- He’s just such a sweetheart

- Wants to give you all his love 24/7

- You’re affectionate too? IT’S A YAY FROM HIM

- You two would have a hard time staying apart from each other (cuddling is just too good, facts are facts)

- Kyojuro may be an energetic dork but he still appreciates quiet, tranquil moments between you two

- If you’re just laying next to each other, he’ll still be feeling blissful

- When you run your fingers through his hair he just melts

- He’ll often pull you close and bury his face in your neck and give you sweet, gentle kisses

- Adores kissing you in general, whenever he gets the chance he’s more than up for it

- A very passionate kisser (what can I say, you know he’s a passionate guy)

- His favorite place to kiss you is your lips and neck

- With him expect a lot of gentle, tender loving, but full of passion at the same time

- He loves seeing you happy, and the fact that he’s bringing you as much joy as you are to him fills his heart with bliss

- Also always makes sure to whisper sweet, loving words in your ear when he’s doing this

- He may be always so cheerfully enthusiatic, but in these moments he’s so soft and gentle with you

- However if you like some flaming passion yourself, you two are having the time of your life ;)

- He’s a morning person but if you’d like to stay in bed for a longer cuddling session you won’t hear him complaining

- Just wants to make you feel happy

- Though if it’s a busy day for you both, he’ll lovingly tell you to get up and kiss you on the forehead

- Also loves forehead kisses himself

- Want breakfast in bed? He’s got ya covered

- I see him often taking you out for meals (or just making some himself)

- He loves food and wants to share his tastes with you! If you want to of course

- Buy him some food and he’ll be a cheerful energetic fluffball

- When you two are out he likes to hold your hand

- Sometimes he kisses it just to make you blush <3

- If you return the favor and give him a few kisses yourself he’ll be overjoyed

- Sometimes you wonder how come he has so much energy

-We really do love wholesome, gentlemanly sweethearts like him

(776 words)

(Plz I want this man 0///////0)

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