°headcannon #58°

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𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖯𝗂𝗅𝗅𝖺𝗋𝗌 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺 𝖼𝗋𝗎𝗌𝗁 𝗈𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎


- You might think that that he'd realize it immediately but no

- Kyojuro loves you, but he also loves everybody

- He could have a problem with identifying that his admiration towards you was different

- But everyone around him, especially Tanjiro knew

- Kyo will always ask to pair up with you in every chance he could get

- When he knew you'd be arriving from your duty, he'd wait for you just so he could invite you to have lunch/dinner with him (treats you often)

-  You'd be surprised that he'd give you bento before you set off to your mission or before he sets out to his

- Offers to walk you home and chats non-stop as if not wanting to let go of you yet

- Whenever you speak to him, he'd sometimes just space out looking at your face

- Y/n this and Y/n that around Senjuro, the other slayers, the butterfly girls at the estate and even around Oyakata-sama

- His smile whenever he saw you was just different compared to others

- When it comes to you, it's a mixture of sunshine and silliness that everyone arounds him could feel just how much he's so giddy to be around you


- Observes you keenly and the things you like

- He wants to connect with you but doesn't know how to begin with it PLS HELP HIM

- The Kamaboko squad would aid him by tipping off what could you possibly be into so he could give you gifts

- At first, he acted like a secret admirer

- Giving you cute little trinkets from his mission in ways that won't reveal himself to you

- In time, you found out about it and thanked him

- He was shocked and failed to say anything because he's so overwhelmed

- You'd notice that he'd do little things for you

- Like offering his haori if it's cold

- Giving you medicines

- Bringing first aid kits during your missions and there's this time he gifted you with a lucky charm

- The very first time he gave you something upfront he just extended his hand with the item atop

- You had to ask him if it's for you, because he just went panic mode deep inside

- The trio told him to smile often when around you

- so there are moments when he'd practice smiling in the mirror

- His first smile made him look constipated tho

- He had this keepsake wherein he kept all the things you gave him and when you gifted him something handy

- Everyone would notice how he would sometimes smile lovingly at the item during his free time

- He might not think that he didn't deserve to be something more for you but he'd try to be the best friend you'd always wish you've had and would love and protect you regardless if you'd notice him or not


- He's a mixture of tsundere and gentle so you'd really be puzzled on what he felt towards you

- Left food at your doorsteps sometimes because he's too shy to be caught giving it to you, he won't admit he's shy tho

- Once you thanked him for it, he'd blush and looked away

"It's not like I only made those for you." -

- But he did tbh

- He'd stammer everytime he'd try to initiate a conversation that sometimes he had come off reactive just to get it out, but his entire face was red

- He almost fight w/ Tanjirou bc the boy pointed out that Nemi had a crush on you and he went ballistic over it

- Sometimes you'd catch him staring at you alot

- So when you gave him a smile, he'd sharply turn his head away like he just went ASDFGHJKL

- He had the tendency to raise his voice and act so aggressive around the other slayers

- But whenever he sensed you're around

- He'd just tone himself down and tried to remain calm

(658 words)

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