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𝖱𝖾𝗇𝗀𝗈𝗄𝗎 𝖥𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌

Modern A.U

- Everyone knows that Kyojuro is a foodie but rarely does anyone consider the actual ramifications behind that

- First of all, not only does he know the best food in town, but he knows how to get as much bang for your buck

- Can and will pull you away from the main marketplace and lead you to a small store where they serve better okonomiyaki for the same price as the one in the main market

- He hates coffee

- This dude is already energetic as fuck, he doesn’t need extra caffeine

- Kyojuro once drank coffee because Mitsuri bought it for him (he was too nice to say no)

- Next thing everyone knew, Kyojuro finished three piles of paperwork, cleaned the entire house, built a new shed in the yard and fixed the neighbour's fence

- Third, he is one of the BEST people to eat with

- Do you eat too quickly or slowly? He won't judge at all!

- Stuffing your cheeks while you munch on your food happily? He thinks it cute!

- Eating your food in a particular order?

- Won't ever disturb you about it!

- Kyojuro knows better than anyone that people can get insecure by their eating habits, which is why he does all he can to let everyone eat comfortably

- Truly values that everyone should eat because food is fuel and how important it is to enjoy how or what you eat

- Food is his love language

- The one thing Kyojuro won't stand is if you hold cutlery weird

- If you grip your utensils with a whole fucking fist he might actually get up and walk away

- He can't STAND that shit

- While on the topic of insecurities, Kyojuro has some of his own

- He won’t show it but Kyojuro’s self conscious about how visible his excitement is

Kyojuro’s smile is 98% of the time genuine

- But he tries to give off the impression that people staring at him isn’t bothering at all

- The stares he gets from talking, eating, or simply existing in public with his winning smile and his eye-catching clothing makes him feel exposed

- Mainly because he knows that a decent portion of the people don’t have good intentions with their constant gaze

- Kyojuro doesn't like talking about it because he doesn't want to change

- He loves himself the way he is

- He just wished that others were more understanding

- On a more wholesome note, due to how long Kyojuro and Tengen have been friends

- They both keep secrets from you

They say it's for a good reason and you believed them

- Until you found out that one of those secrets is that Kyojuro knows how to breakdance

"That was so long ago! I have not practised in so long that I fear I may injure others or myself... Perhaps another time?"

- He is kinda embarrassed about it, mainly because he has a slight case of performance anxiety

- Which speaking about performances, Kyojuro LOVES the performing arts

- Theatre, films, dance, music, fights and battles, you name it

- Kyojuro is always to find the beauty and appreciation for them, and they always get his blood pumping

But he's also a history nerd, don't get me wrong

"I have learned something new today! Would you like to hear about the empty fort battle strategy? I have found a tale of it in this book, it's quite clever!"

- Kyojuro loves learning about new things

- And sometimes he just needs to vomit info about his favourite interests

- Though it goes without saying that Kyojuro would without a doubt do the same thing

- So feel free to ramble about what you like as well

- He thinks its entertaining just listening to you and he will be sure to ask you questions

- Seeing you happy makes him happy

- But even a well rounded guy like Kyojuro has his own weaknesses

- You would think you couldn't trust him with foods

- But it's actually the opposite since he really respects food and eating as a whole

- Actually you can't trust him to do operate any mode of transportation

- Do not let him in the driver's seat plz

- Keep him away from the captain's wheel on a boat plz

- And do NOT let him ride a horse without you or a trusted adult holding the reigns PLZ

- It's not because he looses direction of where he's going

- What really causes an issue here is how his kindness and his passion are visibly fighting for control in his mind

- Either you're sitting there for so long because he keeps letting people pass even if he has the right of way

- Or he goes into reckless abandon and just put on a GO GO GO attitude

"ONWARDS! We have places to be and things to do!"

"Kyojuro, we are going to crash soon if you keep this up!"

- Passenger Prince (for everyone's safety)

- To wrap this up, Kyojuro's actual love language is quality time spent

- As an extrovert, he will try and do everything to do things together if it means passing time with you

"Are you going to the grocery store? I shall accompany you! We are running low on snacks anyways"

- Kyojuro can't help but insist on carrying your groceries home

- And maybe try to pay for them too

- Overall, Kyojuro is an absolute delight to have around but he has his own struggles too

Please be gentle with him :)

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