°headcannon #18°

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𝖢𝖺𝗇 𝖨 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗒 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗒𝗈𝗎?| 𝖫𝖺𝖽𝗒 𝖳𝖺𝗆𝖺𝗒𝗈 𝗑 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖾𝗎𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗅!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋

It was a snowy night, as your feet hit the ground leaving prints on every step you took. Breathing out showing a small fog of air, hearing the sound of the snow crunch beneath your feet. The tip of your nose was pink so were your cheeks.

Your hands hurt from the cold air since you weren’t wearing any gloves and having them on your arms, rubbing them up and down to try bring some warmth. Your kimono was destroyed with some rip pieces. With damp of blood on it.

With the smell of blood and being weak, it was dangerous walking out in the dark by yourself. Gritting your teeth together, pushing yourself to walk further down the snowy road.

Your knees buckled knocking you down, the feeling of pain rushes through your body.

Your right leg had an opened wound so did your left arm that was wrapped with a piece of clothing to prevent yourself from bleeding out everywhere.

Getting back onto your feet taking slower step then before, you were starting to think that you weren’t going to survive the night.

Your body didn’t have enough energy to keep moving to find help anymore. Your vision started to get blurry. Your breathing started to pick up its pace and you were in inbearable pain.

The feeling of warm tears streaming down your face, due to the pain and because you didn’t want to die from a demon that could be lurking around at the moment.

You just kept telling yourself to keep going and not to give up.

Now dragging your feet with one hand holding onto your bleeding arm Black started appear around your vision. Knowing that your going to pass out or maybe die. Right now , all you want right now is to be save.

Collapsing on your knees again, leaning forward You stopped yourself from face plating with the hand that was holding onto your bleeding arm.

You wanted you scream for help, but couldn’t due to your thoart hurting and it being dry. You bit the bottom of your lip to stop yourself from crying.

No ones coming... you're going to die right here with fear and in the cold weather. You started to cry, you were in pain, tired, scared.

This was really it for you. Your eyelids started to feel heavy and the arm that was holding you up gave out, falling onto the snow. Your breathing became slow, the only sound was heard was the wind and footsteps coming closer and closer to your helpless body.

A small smile formed on your lips as the only thing pictured in your mind was the tiny family you had.

Fluttering your eyes opened. 

"Did I die?"

"Is this heaven or hell. It's probably hell."

That was the only thing going through head, you tried sitting up only for pain to rush through your whole body.

You groaned, flopping back down with your head hitting the pillow underneath you. Your body was sore.

Turning your eyes to the door wondering if anyone was going to walk in anytime soon.

A soft sigh left your lips as you brought your eyes to the ceiling above you, trailing every crack on it. You closed your eyes but opened them again, only to hear footsteps come to the door. 

You turned your head to the door to see a woman with dark brown haired and purple eyes with a flowered kimono on.

“You are awake. How are you feeling ?”

The silence was cut off by the sound of her soft voice, hissing in pain as you sat up. She walked over to you.

“You cannot be moving. Your body has not fully recovered."

She tried laying you back down but you gave her a soft smile.

“I’m fine.”

You spoke, but it came out raspy. You were dehydrated. She frowned grabbing the cup of water off the table next to the bed that you were laying on and some medication.

“Here , take this it’ll help you.”

She handed the medication first as you took it, then the water which you chugged to wash out the nasty taste of the medication.

Handing her the cup back, giving her your thanks. You started to feel tired again. She laid you back down on the bed.

“You need more rest.”

Was the the only thing heard before you fell back to sleep.

After sometime, you had fully recovered. You had grew attached to the brown haired demon lady. But soon enough you’ll have to leave.

But where too exactly? You had nowhere to go, the house you were once living in was destroyed.

But you still would refuse to take a step back into that house. The flashback that night was nightmare.

“Y/n , are you okay ?”

The voice of Lady Tamayo asked, you looked at her with a small smile.

“Yes, I’m okay."

She nodded her head then said.

“You’ll be able to leave tomorrow.”

The words fell off her tongue, hitting you like a bullet. You swallowed lump in your throat.

“About that…”

You paused for a moment trying to find the right words to say.

“I don’t have anywhere to go.. so is it OK if I can stay with you?"

She smiled while nodding softly.

“Of course my dear, you may stay.”

(900 words)

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