°headcannon #96°

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𝖲𝖼𝗋𝗎𝖿𝖿𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝖼𝗋𝖺𝗍𝖼𝗁𝖾𝗌
𝖿𝗍. 𝖳𝖺𝗇𝗃𝗂𝗋𝗈, 𝖱𝖾𝗇𝗀𝗈𝗄𝗎, 𝖳𝖾𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗇 (𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝗂𝖿𝖾𝗌)


- Definitely the one I'd see that checks up on you with such a warming welcoming back from your long day

- Quickly reading your expression and aura you brought

- He knew you were exhausted, but that matching along with the bandages and patched up injuries you had

- And all of this showed a rough day from a mission you departed on the night before that drawn out to the early morning

- Offers a lot of his time for you. cooking food

- Making you a nice bath (if you wanted.) cleaning your room, clothes, etc.. .

- He'll do it for you so you don't have to waste more energy

- Like he'll just really take care of you as its one of the things he knows he can do

- A habit being of the oldest of his family

- But one thing I can see Tanjiro doing is just him and you, sitting outside on the wooden porches staring out into the gardens with tea on the side with a snack or two

- Just enjoying each others presence for the time being

- Whenever you talk, he's always intent to listen and responding whenever he has the chance too

- Apologizing if he ever interrupts you


- Seeing you all scuffed and bandaged as you walked into the building made him a little... angry

- Which anyone could obviously feel and sense since its quite rare for such an negative emotion to come from a bright sunshine like Rengoku

- But it didn't consume him as he stood up to approach you in the doorway, gently cupping your face with one of his hands and his thumb slowly rubbing on your cheek

- Him seeing you instinctual lean into his touch after a few seconds, that smile of his shown

- But it was very bittersweet as he knew

- He knew, today really delivered hell on you

- The type of guy to offer food to comfort you

- Will take you out for food or even just a stroll around the area, but will always stop if it puts a strain on your body

- Will let you cuddle him

- Definitely, or just a single hug... or hugs. plural, yes.

- If you don't wanna talk, he'll understand if given the cue.

- So be prepared to hear some stories from this big guy, maybe some shared laughter from them too.

Tengen, Makio, Suma, Hina:

- Nan you are getting SWARMED

- All four of them are all over you in worried

- Suma being exaggerated as usual

- Makio cussing and swearing left and right, about how careless you were being during your mission (she doesn't mean to say it to hurt you, just how she expresses-)

- Hina is over here trying to call both Makio and Suma down in the process of asking if you are alright

- Then there's Tengen, who's just standing there

- And who your eyes meet contact with, the slight worried expression on his face was unsettling to see for such a man like him

- What you didn't expect was to be engulfed in a hug by him, holding you so tight and close

- Which made the girls even more worried on hurting you more

- It's the fact that, he was scared to see you hurt

- Because as someone who he cares about as much as his wives

- He never wants to see you in pain

- So more barking n banter spreads, but all soon stops hearing that laughter of yours

- Even if you couldn't laugh to your fullest due to your injuries

- They all stare at you for a moment, missing that laugh of yours, missing that voice

- And now the girls were set off to do things to welcome you back home

- Whether it be making food, getting you some more comfortable clothing, readying a bath, etc.. .

- While Tengen is left to check your injuries, always making sure you are okay and alright.

- You're honestly the main attention

- Even if you brush them off they do come crawling back worried

- Thou I reassure you, they'll give you space and do their own thing as per usual

- Cuddles

- Cuddles with all of them together is nice.. man just seems so fucking COMFY!!

(703 words)

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