°headcannon #104°

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Sanemi fluffy smut blurb

"I can't pull out when you wrap your legs around me like that."

Sanemi shinazugawa never really understood the sentimental bits after having sex.

The clinginess, the cuddles, the kisses-

They were never something he ever did and when his companion ever tried to do any of the sort, he felt his body subconsciously pulling away.

Yet here he was, buried inside of his current hyperfixation, watching your pleading eyes as you pulled him closer.

''Stay with me for a moment..'' You had mumbled under your breath as you latched your arms around his neck.

The sweet mixture of both of your arousal rubbed against his waist as it dripped down your thighs, little wet noises filling the room as you hid your warm face in the crook of his neck.

It was usually at this moment that he'd pull away.

He'd pull away despite his obvious feelings for you, of course he liked you. if he didn't, he wouldn't be between your legs.

However, he didn't live a life where he could enjoy the luxury of these small moments.

He never longed for them because he didn't deserve them; there was no point in seeking them out.

And yet, here he was, stuck, in a moment of intimacy once more.

And the more you pulled him closer, digging your nails into the skin of his back as both of you grew overstimulated from the friction, it was almost as if he began to enjoy it.

He began to crave it, wanting more of your touch and melting back into the warmth radiating off your skin.

Your lips met the neediness he hid within himself pouring out from his tongue to yours, almost as if he were speaking every forbidden thought running through his brain without actually saying it.

Intense emotions seeping out of a self-proclaimed emotionless man; a silent 'i love you?

Pulling away, you couldn't help but giggle at the expression he held with messy hair and plump lips, a shade invading his face that you'd never seen before

"Are you blushing, 'Nemi?"

"shut up."

(357 words)

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