°headcannon #59°

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𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝗂𝗍 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝗅𝖺𝗉𝗌 <3


- Tanjiro lovessss having you on his lap

- Having you so close to him brings him so much comfort

- Obviously the first time you sat on his lap, it flustered him but overtime he grew to love it

- Usually you’re the one that initiates it, but when you don’t he’ll straight up tell you he wants you to sit on his lap.

- I don’t see him as the type to leave little hints

- He’d just outwardly say it because he has no problem with you sitting there or find it embarrassing

“Come over here love, take a seat.”


- You already know this boy would love it

- To be honest you don’t really like doing it because you think he’s gonna blow up whenever you do

- Honestly whenever you do he just turns in go a rumbling red mess, not able to comprehend anything

- Maybe sometimes he’ll calm down and hug you like his life depends on it

- He’d also be complimenting you nonstop

- I don’t think I ever see him getting used to it, even if you do it a lot

- It’ll always catch him off guard

“I love you so much! Did I tell you, you looked gorgeous today? Your hair smells like strawberries!”


- See the thing with him is he doesn’t understand how much he loves it

- And it pisses him off so much

- He’d always be the one to initiate it, pulling you in to his lap and trapping you with his arms

- Sometimes even with his legs if you’re trying to get away

- But then grumble about it and say you were the one who wanted to sit in his lap

- He also sees it as an act of dominance, since he’s caging you in and not the other way around

“I knew you wanted to sit here so thats why I grabbed you. What?! I wanted this!? No i didn’t. No wait! Where are you going!”


- Another one that absolutely loves it but will never ever initiate it

- He’s so shy and finds it awkward to ask you

- The only ways you know he wants you to sit in his lap is because he stares you down

- But when you ask he’ll blush and just say its nothing

- If you do catch on to his antics, you’ll always notice a little smile on his face when you’re sitting on his lap

- He also gets a little clingy as well

- Caressing your hand or resting his head on top of yours

- You’ve lost count of how many times he’s fallen asleep with you in his lap

“Hm? Oh no, it’s nothing. Actually could you come here for just a moment?”


- He hates how he loves it so much and that it has a big effect on him

- He blushes furiously whenever you do, so he only really likes when you do it in private.

- It’s his way of being greedy for your affection

- He’s another one that gets clingy

- He would just pull you onto him, nuzzling his face between the crook of your neck

- He gets really soft too

“ I know my cheeks are red damnit! You don’t have to point it out. Get over here.”

(551 words)

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