°headcannon #73°

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𝖹𝖾𝗇𝗂𝗍𝗌𝗎 𝖠𝗌 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖡𝗈𝗒𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌

- Just to let you, you are dating a complete simp that just admire what the hell you are doing

- He is too smitten for you and is shocked that you return his feelings

- He is usually rejected whenever he ask a girl out so you accepting his confession got him confuse for a bit

- But it makes him smile sheepishly, happy that you accept his feelings and who is he

- Zenitsu wanted to be by your side every second, clinging on you but not that it will makes you suffocate

- It just felt like a small puppy following you around

- But he would control himself and be aware of your boundaries, not wanting to scare you off and thinks he is some kind of a weird creep

- He already makes himself a fool to many times in front of other girls, now he wanted to act more rational and mature for you

- Tell him that you don’t mind and won’t ever think of him like that

- Your comforting reassurance makes him feel relieved and at ease

- Kisses is a must for him

- A goodbye kisses before being away to a mission, goodnight sleep together, greeting to each other with a kiss on the cheek

- He loves every affection you give and he would do the same to you

- His kisses is just fills with love and sincerity

- He would give you a tight hug after you both kissed

- The hug is warm so you both stay there for a while

- Hurry up and take notice of his sudden changes of behavior like how he would keep his distance with you and get him to talk about it to you

- He definitely though about marrying you in the future and have a family together with you

- Zenitsu would down your name with his last name as he daydreams the future with you

- Zenitsu would feel insecure of his ability and skills when he sees other man or fighter that seems worthy and strong for you

- This poor boi would keep this feelings to himself as he don’t want to be annoying with this stupid feelings he thought

- Zenitsu would be jealous and pissed when you are being flirt on and would quickly take you away from the guy

- He would get pouty that is cute and begs you to not to leave him

- He is too precious to be feel like

- Make him feel comforted and be happy again

- Don’t worry, he would return the favour when you feel down to in the future

- Zenitsu would then talk about his feelings and insecurity to you and you would must comfort him

- Zenitsu would always wanted to go to a mission with and get all whiny when he is told that he have to be separated from you during a mission

- You would give him a reassuring hug

- He also care about you like how you care about him

- But if you saved and protected him, he would become embarrassed and also sees you his hero

- It would motivates him to train harder to become stronger

- During a mission, he tries his best to put a brave demeanor while protecting you but it would be difficult challenge for him

- He would usually be hiding somewhere when attacked but with you, he would behead the demon while crying and shivering later on

- But wait, remember how Zenitsu is when he is sleeping after being terrified like this?

- Yeah, you would fall harder for him when he slaughter all the demons to protect you, with full of adoration to him

- I am pretty sure Zenitsu's love language would be: Quality Time, Word of Affirmation and Physical Touch

Quality Time:

- Zenitsu absolutely love to go on a date with you

- He doesn’t care where you both hang out

- He just wants to be by your presence after going through a tiring and petrifying mission

- Your dates with him would consist of going to a garden to look at the flowers and make flower wreath, strolling around in the forest under the full moon and so on

- You bot makes a lot of memorable remembrance together

Word of Affirmation:

- Despite him being all cocky and stupid, he is actually feel very insecure of himself after what happen to him in the past until his granpa pick him up

- As mention before, whenever you are smiling happily with someone, his doubts and negative thoughts would cloud in his head

- Am I not strong for you? Was I annoying? Are you disgust with me? and so

- Give him some comforting words and his painful thoughts would vanished

- So always give him your sweet words to him every morning and before sleep

Physical Touch:

- Zenitsu would love be the small spoon when cuddling with you

- He needed your dose of affection or he won’t function properly

- He would pout cutely when you don’t give him what you wanted after giving you so many hints

- You would quickly know what he wanted after seeing his pout and just gives him what he wanted

- He would always be touching wherever you both like holding you hand, staying close to you when sitting and so on

- Zenistu would be a lovesick idiot to you and a complete hopeless romantic to you

- He would also treat you right like how a proper lady should be treated

- Dating him is romantic and sweet at the same time

- SO don’t break his heart as he has fall hard for you

(925 words)

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