°headcannon #105°

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Uzui + wives + female!reader smut
request from: Zaida7746

sorry for the last request-

You never expected to catch the sound pillar's eye. The extravagant man was attracted to anything he considered flamboyant and you figured you were anything but. However the man seemed to be fascinated by you as you tended to his wounds.

Bandaging led to touching, which led to kissing, which led to even more. The next morning you were mortified thinking the pillar must have been poisoned and not had his wits about him.

After he assured you that wasn't the case, you began seeing him more often.

You thought he was sweet, maybe a little vulgar from time to time, but friendly overall. Some found him annoying, you found him rather charming until....


You crossed your arms, looking up at the large man as if you were intimidating. No one was intimidating if you had to look all the way down to see them.

The man in question was smiling down at you as if he found this cute.

"Tengen." You stated again, staring up at the man as if that would make him respond.

"You know, I may be shorter than you, but I'm still the perfect height to knee you in the balls. Answer me." (me to my partner lol-)

That got the smile to falter,

"What is it?" he tilted his head, arms crossing as he continued to look at you.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a married man?" you felt like a filthy cheater.

"I didn't think it was necessary to tell you yet." He spoke as if this were an everyday occurrence.

"You were going to tell me?" You couldn't really wrap your head around the man in front of you.

He was a married man, a man married to three wives.

"Do they even know about each other?" You were infuriated.

"They are well aware of each other, we all live together after all."

Your eyes widened, what the hell was this man into?

"Let me explain before you get things all twisted in your mind." You listened intently as he explained the whole situation.

"I do apologize for not telling you sooner, I was afraid I'd scare you away."

He reached for your hand, one you let him take and lift to his lips.

"Do they know about me?" You sunk your teeth into your lower lip.

"They do, I've told them much about you." You felt your cheeks heat, it seems you were the only one out of the loop.

"I had no intention of being with other women. Three are more than enough for me and I care for them dearly, but then I met you. I'll be damned but you swept me off my feet."

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