°headcannon #36°

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𝖳𝖺𝗇𝗃𝗂𝗋𝗈'𝗌 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝗆𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖠𝖿𝖿𝖾𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇

- Tanjiro absolutely adores when you compliment him when he does like, anything

- No matter how small or big his accomplishments are, whenever you compliment him and assure him that he's amazing (because he is) he just blushes and gets all red

- He also likes spending time with you

- Whenever he gets the opportunity to hang out with you, he takes it

- He especially likes picking flowers with you

- He lets you hang out with Nezuko, and she likes to play with you.

- He excuses anything and everything rude or uncomfortable said toward you by Inosuke and Zenitsu

- He gives gifts to you a lot and likes to hug you

- He's been having doubts about his worth ever since Kyojuro's death, so you make sure to visit him everyday and comfort him

- You two also visit Senjuro together (occasionally with Nezuko) so you can hang out with him too

- He likes to help you with tasks

- Sometimes he's mean (the slightest bit of mean) he will apologize several times

- He likes to cuddle with you

- He combs your hair to release stress in a way (if you don't have hair then he'll just rub your back or scalp)

- He can almost always tell when you're upset and comforts you

- Whenever Tanjiro has to go to the butterfly mansion because of a mission you always go with him and stay with him until he's ready to be escorted

(Pretty short headcannon, I'm apologize. It's 6 o'clock in morning and I gotta get ready for school.. so yeah bai love ya'll <33)

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