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1:06 𝗉𝗆
𝖬𝗎𝗂𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗈 𝗑 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖾𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖺𝗅!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋

You peacefully laid in the garden. taking in the breath of the wind against your soft skin. inhaling the fresh air with a hint of earthy aroma.

Watching the clouds forming shapes beyond your imagination.

Drowsily closing your eyes, you smiled completely satisfied with your current life. What more could you ask for when you have the perfect suitor who can love and protect you?

You steadied yourself as you got up from your gazing spot.

Entering the mansion and heading into the kitchen. humming a melody as you prepared muichiro's favorite meal for him to savor once he arrives.

"He is going to love this," You exclaimed. neatly putting the meal away for later.

His crow abruptly woke you up earlier this morning with a message. Telling you that he was most likely to arrive later in the afternoon.

"Hi y/n-chan, I hope you've been taking care of yourself while I've been away, I can't wait to see you, the main purpose of this message is to inform you that I might arrive later in the afternoon. I'll be home soon enough. I look forward to your hugs once I return."

So there you were patiently waiting for his return. You couldn't wait to finally be able to feel his warm embrace.

The door slid open revealing a tired Muichiro.

"I'm home Y/n-chan," He wearily smiled.

"Welcome home chiro-kun," engulfing him in a hug.

"I missed your hugs," he mumbled as he snuggled deeper in the crook of your neck.

You get out a lighthearted giggle at the sleepy hashira that clung onto you so dearly.

"Would you like to eat? i prepared your favorite."

"mmm can we nap first ?" Muichiro murmured.

"of course," You whispered while intertwining your hands together.

"Come, let's go to my room." He hummed in agreement, slightly lifting his head to meet your soft smile.

"Your hand really is a perfect fit," He stated, softly creasing your hand with his thumb.

Lifting it up to his lips to press a kiss on the backside of your palm.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere," You chuckled.

Muichiro trailed behind as you walked towards your room. He stared at your back wondering how lucky he got.

You slid the door open and moved to lay on your futon.

"Nap with me chiro," patting the spot beside you, a yawn escaping your lips as he quietly laid beside you.

He shifted his position as you wrapped your arms around his figure. Your steady breathing served as a sign that you had fallen asleep.

The corner of his lips quirked up as he observed your features. How could one look so mesmerizing as they peacefully slumbered?

Scooting closer to feel your warmth, inhaling your scent as he buried his face in your neck.

Everything about you was so intoxicating and he knew that very well.

"I love you Muichiro," you whispered. finally admitting those three special words.

"I love you too," he mumbled.

You know there's no way he's ever letting you go now, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

(530 words)

(This is so cute ;v;)

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