°headcannon #38°

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𝖮𝖻𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗂 𝗑 𝗌𝗁𝗒/𝗍𝗂𝗆𝗂𝖽 𝗀𝗇!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋

- Two shy people in a room... what will they do... (two best-friends in a room, they might kiss 👀)

- No but for real ya'll are literally twinning cause obanai is so fucking shy for no reason

- LIKE just getting ya'll to actually hangout with one another meant that you probably had to have someone make ya'll hang out since both of you were too shy to ask each other

- *cough* Tengen did it *cough*

- But once ya'll actually start hanging out you're damn near inseparable

- Obanai really likes that you're just as nervous as him cause he doesn't have to worry about embarrassing himself or anythin

- That and like, you get it and try to make things as comfortable as possible for him and he really appreciates it

- You probably would've had to ask him out

- Or alternatively he asked you out by placing a little note next to your bed with your favorite flowers asking you if you'd like to go out sometime

- Got mitsuri and kyojuro to help him out with it even though he was embarrassed and nervous about you rejecting him

- The first date is basically ya'll just hanging out like normal tbh

- Since you're both really shy the whole thing goes kind of slow, but its a comfortable slow if that makes sense

- Neither of you feel the need to rush into things or make any moves considering you're both on the same wavelength of embarrassment

- And there isn't any apparent need to conform to a strict classification to what your relationship is since neither of you feel rushed by each other's presence

- In fact the whole thing of you two becoming partners in the first place was very gradual

- And if you were asked to define a specific point where your relationship turned into something more than just 'good friends' you wouldn't be able to pinpoint it

- But thats okay!! relationships are fluid and you both feel comforted by the presence of one another, even though you turn each others' legs to jelly when you're in the same room

- But there usually isn't a need to talk since you know each other so well

- That and as the two of you spend more time together, he feels less and less anxious around you and gets more comfortable with voicing his thoughts

- I feel like PDA and intimacy in general are kind of difficult for him because of anxiety and not wanting people to pay attention to him

- But if you wanted it he'd gladly hold your hand whenever you wanted

- In fact, as soon as ya'll hold hands for the first time he probably wont let go. for a while

- He struggles with verbal communication

- So usually squeezing your hand to get your attention or brushing up against you is easier for him

- It's cute though!! ya'll are like the couple that falls in love with one another a little more each day

- Tengen thinks its cute even though sanemi rolls his eyes every time you two get blushy over being around one another lmao

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