°headcannon #111°

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Kyojuro x sick!fem!reader
request from:LuxuriousCoffee8

It was a rainy afternoon and you were slightly bored while waiting for Kyojuro to come home from a meeting. So you decided to go outside and have a little fun in the rain.

There's no harm in that right?? It's just rain you thought. You won't get sick, you'll be fine. Well you were damn wrong about the entire thing.

A day later, you were in bed. Sneezing, coughing and very congested. Kyojuro was by your side, taking care of you with all his ability.

"Mmmm... Kyo, my head hurts.." You whined, your voice being a bit raspy. Your throat was hurting a lot.

"Aww my love, I'm sorry. Lemme go get a cold rag ok?" Kyojuro kisses your forehead before getting up and disappearing into the bathroom to get a cold rag.

You mumbled something and laid your head back on the pillow, you felt hot and stuffy. Like your whole body was on fire.

Rengoku came back with a cold rag and placed it on your forehead. You groaned softly and closed your eyes. Kyojuro smiled and rubbed the sides of your head.

"Make a mental note to yourself to not go out into the rain unless you want to become sick again." Kyojuro laughed a bit.

You chuckled a bit, weakly hitting his arm playfully of course.

"Haha very funny."

For the rest of the few days, Kyojuro took care by giving you medicine, tea and all sorts of stuff. Even a few things from Shinobu.

Eventually you got better and never went out in the rain again.... or so you swore.

(278 words)

(Sorry for the long wait, I hope you enjoy LuxuriousCoffee8!! Sorry it's really short!)

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