°headcannon #68°

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{7𝗄 𝖲𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅}
𝖦𝗂𝗒𝗎𝗎 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌


Giyuu has mochi cheeks

- Soft and stretchy

- As of now, only Urokodaki and Sabito can pinch them

- He has so many thoughts but they run in his head super fast so he comes out with zero thoughts

- Giyuu sleeps on his belly and nuzzles his pillow

- He buries himself deeper and deeper into it when his thoughts get heavy

- Heavy sleeper and can sleep everywhere

- I often think it’s cause he used to cry a lot and it exhausted him enough to make him fall asleep so it’s just something he carried with him

-  Quality time only applies to the people he already holds dear

- It doesn’t matter if the other person does 90% of the talking, Giyuu enjoys every moment

-  He’s also the type to get lonely the moment the person he likes leaves even if they’ve spent the whole day together

-  He likes receiving gifts because it makes him feel remembered and it’s his way of knowing that you actually don’t dislike him

- On the other hand, he likes  giving gifts because he thinks it’s what good friends do and he’d like to be a good friend

-  There are different types of silences

- There is a silence for when he’d like to be left alone

- One where he’d like for you to keep talking

- There’s also one for when he’d like you to stay or leave

-  Pours his heart in the letters he sends

- He feels that writing is the better outlet for conveying his emotions since he thinks his words don’t come out right most of the time when he does talk

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