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𝖪𝗇𝗒 𝖯𝖾𝗍 𝖭𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗌 𝖧𝖼𝗌


Fem Reader)

Kyojuro Rengoku

- As much as pet names make his heart soar, he melts when you call him by his first name

- The tender way your lips form around each syllable as if his name was something so dear to you

- It makes his stomach flip every time you utter it

- Kyojuro. Kyojuro. Kyojuro~

- Nothing sets his heart ablaze quite like your adoring voice echoing his name back to him

- He's Rengoku to most that know him, big brother to Senjuro, but to you he's just Kyojuro. Your Kyojuro

- However, there are some pet names that get those butterflies going: my love, honey, baby

- Something about being called baby makes him soften visibly

- He gets that wet smile on his face and big eyes that say, "Yes that's me"

- He really really likes it when you call him "husband"

- There's something so domestic and coy about it that makes his heart flutter

"Husbanddd, I require your assistance!"

- You often shout to him from the other room when you need help with something

- And whether it's simply a dish from a high shelf or a piece of furniture that needs to be moved

- He pops his head into the room with an enthusiastic "Yes, wife!?"

- He especially likes it if you aren't married yet, so when you teasingly call him "husband" it sounds like a promise

- Kyojuro has a multitude of pet names for you

- He thinks your name is beautiful but he only calls you it when he's feeling serious

- Prepare to adopt second names by the day

- Names such as: my love, my flame, my heart's fire, darling love, my heart

- And if he's feeling particularly syrupy?

- He'll sing out names like sunflower and sunshine

- Cus you're the ever-glimmering light of his life

- Everything that comes out of this man's mouth sounds like a declaration of love

- Another one he's fond of is little flame

"I'm not so little!"

- You'd proclaim, making a face as he pats your head affectionately

"Compared to me you are!"

- He'd laugh with his whole chest, teeth showing as he tosses his head back in glee

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