°headcannon #16°

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𝖭𝗌𝖿𝗐/𝖲𝖿𝗐 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌: 𝖱𝖾𝗇𝗀𝗈𝗄𝗎 𝖪𝗒𝗈𝗃𝗎𝗋𝗈

ged-up characters


- Kyoujuro is a good significant other. He is the type of gentleman who opens the door for you, cooks you breakfast in bed, and tells you how great you look in that outfit

- Words of affirmation and gift giving is definitely his love language. Oh, and physical touch. He enjoys having his arms around you

- Always helps you cook. He enjoys cooking with you and is very good at it also

- Great at giving advice and having deep conversations. If you are ever upset, he is there to comfort you and give you a pep talk. Kyojuro is good at being your best friend and lover all in one

- Leaves you gifts and gets you gifts on his travels. Especially items you forgot you told him about. You'll wake up to a necklace you have been wanting beside your bed

- Writes you love letters. His crow is sure to deliver them when he is away for business

- Kyoujuro is more of a lover than a fighter so arguments with him are very slim. Plus, it's very hard to get under his skin

- Overall, 10/10 boyfriend.

⚠️ 18+ WARNING ⚠️

NSFW 18+

- Erected cock is at 8.5 inches. Definitely full of girth

- Kyojuro is one kinky man. He is a dom leaninf switch. Even when he is a bottom, he is controlling the situation. He just has that power to be dominant without trying

- Enjoys choking his lover during sex. No explanation needed

- Has a praise and degrading kink. Will praise and degrade you in the same sentence and not care

- Call him Sir, Kyojuro, Daddy, or Master. It's a must. And we cannot forget the rope

- Into pet and impact play if you are

- Loves marking your skin with his teeth for where people can see. He has no shame in showing what he does behind closed doors

- Definitely down for voyeruism

- Like I said, very kinky man and willing to try out new things in the bedroom

(Sorry to anyone who knows me ;-;)

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