The One Shots

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Olivia stood in the living room of her small house. Upstairs she could hear Noah singing as he got dressed, but that was all in the back of her mind. She had zoned out on the engagement ring on her left ring finger.

I wouldn't be getting married if it hadn't been for me comforting Peter that night... all that night...

Olivia came back to reality when she heard the clock on the mantel strike 7 times, she knew that if they didn't leave now, Noah would be late for school.

"Alright, we need to go!" Olivia called, as she walked over to the stairs. Noah let out a loud sigh from upstairs, before running down the stairs and to where his mother stood, backpack in hand.

"Can't I stay home today?" He questioned, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, you can't." She spoke, before walking towards the kitchen to grab his lunch box.

"Momma, when will I be able to go to work with you again?" Noah asked, and Olivia swallowed hard. She hadn't told Noah about her and Peter yet, nor had she told anyone, but Peter, about the extra surprise.

"In a bit. I just have to get some things done and then you can. Why don't you grab your jacket and we can leave."


Olivia felt her heart start to beat out of her chest as she saw Peter Stone walk into her squad room. She raked her fingers through her wavy brown hair, before standing slowly. She walked over to the door and opened it slowly before clearing her throat.

"Stone, can I talk to you real quick?" She asked, and Peter put on his usual annoyed face, one that Barba used to use when Olivia asked him to talk.

"Sure, Benson." He replied. Olivia turned back into her office and closed the blinds. She walked over and sat on the edge of her desk and didn't breath until Peter had shut her door.

"So, what can I help you with?" He asked as a small smile grew on his lips.

"I really think that we need to get everything around and tell my boss and yours." Olivia breathed, as she stood up and started to pace a bit.


"Okay, this wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to sleep with you, I wasn't supposed to get pregnant, and we weren't supposed to get engaged. My crew thinks that I'm engaged to my boyfriend, one that I've never talked about and one who is completely made up. This is all just one huge surprise, and I need to get this all off my chest." Olivia spoke, as she stopped to look at Peter.

"Has Noah been asking again?" Peter questioned, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, not anymore. It's just that I'm not comfortable lying to my child and my crew. Peter, this is a huge thing. This is something that was never supposed to happen. I was good just being Noah's mother and the CO of SVU."

"Then give me the ring back, Liv." Peter frowned, as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Okay." She whispered, as she slipped the ring from her finger and handed it back to Peter. He played with it between his pointer finger and thumb before swallowing hard.

"You know that I was so ready to just marry you and figure out how I can be a father to our kid and Noah. You understand that, right?"

"Peter, you are young and very handsome. You are so smart and there is someone out there who is more your age. Someone who doesn't have as much baggage. And in regards to the baby, we will figure something out."

"Okay," Peter spoke, before turning and leaving her office. He grabbed his briefcase from Fin's desk, before leaving the squad room altogether. Olivia watched as he walked out, but quickly turned around when she realized she was crying.

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