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Olivia was released early the next morning. It wasn't exactly two days after Hadley was born, but Olivia wanted to get her baby home, and she was tired of staying in the hospital. Since she was released earlier than expected, the crew didn't get a chance to meet her.

"So do I just drive normally or should I drive slower?" Peter asked as he and Olivia secured the car seat into its spot. Olivia looked at him and shrugged.

"Like don't drive like I do when I chase down some guy in my SUV at work, but more like we are going for a brisk Sunday drive." Olivia smiled, and her boyfriend laughed softly.

"Okay, wanna sit in back with her?" Peter asked, as he shut the door and walked around to the other door where Olivia stood.

"Yeah, mind helping me into the back?"

"Now you need me?" He teased, and Olivia smiled.

"Yes. Help me into the back of our car before Haddie starts to cry." Olivia spoke, using the adorable nickname that Noah gave his baby sister last night when he called to say goodnight before he went to bed.

"We wouldn't want that, would we?" Peter spoke, before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to Olivia's lips before helping her into the back of the vehicle.


Hadley was a very fussy baby by the time they got home. She hated her car seat and she hated car rides. As soon as Peter pulled into the garage, he got out and lifted his daughter from the car seat and held her close. Olivia was in tears because she hadn't managed to calm her daughter down on the ride home.

"Is she okay?" Olivia sniffled, as she climbed out of the car and grabbed the diaper bag.

"She's fine, love. I think we should just get her inside and maybe you could try to feed her? Maybe she's hungry and that's what is making the car ride worse." Peter spoke, as he came around and laid their daughter in Olivia's arms.

"I fed her an hour ago..." Olivia breathed, as she already started to lose hope.

"Don't worry, love. Let's just go inside and deal with this all inside where we have different things to use to help calm her down. She's not uncomfortable with us, this is just so new for her, that she doesn't know what to do minus crying." Peter spoke.

"Sure," Olivia whispered.


Once inside, Olivia went upstairs and sat in the rocking chair with Hadley. Peter was busy making breakfast for Olivia and himself so maybe she won't be hungry and upset.

Olivia just rocked her daughter back and forth as she continued to cry. Olivia kept changing the position she was holding Hadley. She tried to hold her up to her shoulder, or rest her against her chest, she even changed arms back and forth, but nothing was working to calm down her baby.

Olivia got up and grabbed different pacifiers, and eventually, she found a purple one that Hadley loved. She watched in amazement as her daughter's tiny face relaxed and she opened her eyes to look at Olivia. Olivia was shocked because nothing but this freaking purple pacifier could calm down her daughter.

"Hadley, I'm sorry," Olivia whispered as she looked at her baby as she sat back down in the rocking chair.

"Why are you apologizing to our baby?" Peter asked as he walked into the nursery. He had heard the crying stop, and he was wondering how Olivia managed to do that.

"I'm apologizing because she was crying and I couldn't help her. I'm her mother, Peter. I'm supposed to be able to calm her down and be a sense of comfort, but I couldn't even do that." Olivia whispered as tears welled in her eyes. Peter walked over to her and leaned down and kissed her forehead softly.

"Let's go eat some lunch. Then I think you need a nap. You look exhausted."

"I am, but I need to take care of her. We have to keep her on a feeding schedule and try to make sure she is awake during the day so she might sleep through the night a little easier." Olivia replied.

"This is the first night home with her, and we will figure this out as we go." He spoke, as he tried to reassure her, but she was very unsure.


While Olivia finally gave into napping after feeding Hadley, Peter spent time with his daughter. She slept in the crook of his arm and only cried when she needed her diaper changed. When Peter was walking down the stairs after changing Hadley's diaper, someone knocked on the front door. Peter laid Hadley in one of the two bassinets in the house, and he went and opened the door.

"Hey, guys." Peter sighed, as he let the crew into the house.

"Hey, Peter. So, how's Liv? The baby?" Amanda asked, eagerly.

"Both are good. Hadley is in her bassinet, and Liv is napping. She's a little anxious and upset because Hadley was crying nonstop on the car ride home, and she was having a hard time settling her." Peter spoke, as the detectives walked into the kitchen and took turns washing their hands because they didn't want to get the new addition sick.

"I was the same way with Jesse. But Liv is a great mom. She did a great job when she brought Noah home, and he was so sick thanks to his prior foster homes." Amanda spoke.

"But Olivia didn't have a ton of hormones affect her emotions, and she already wasn't as exhausted as she is now." Peter sighed. They all walked back into the living room, and Amanda picked up Hadley first and smiled as she looked at the small baby.

"It's so weird seeing one of Liv's kid have this dirty blonde hair... I expected her to have Liv's dark brown hair."

"She's cute though, huh?" Peter spoke because he thought his daughter is so freaking adorable.

"She's adorable, Peter. Don't worry, we are just as biased as you are." Amanda grinned.

Hadley was passed around and eventually, the squad left. Peter settled down into his recliner and held his daughter close and smiled softly.

"Kid, you are one lucky baby. The best unexpected thing to ever happen to me. You brought me and your Momma together, and I guess I should thank you for that, huh?"

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment on all of your feedback below! No more updates today, but expect to see me update Saviors and The Unwanted Daughter tomorrow! :D

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