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Olivia was down one detective when she went back to work. Amanda had arrested her sister and then took some leave because she needed to clear her head.

So, while Amanda was gone, Olivia had to take on more of the workload than she usually would. She did like being back because she got to see her fiance every day at work and at home.

"Did Amanda check in with you like she promised she would?" Fin asked as he walked into Olivia's office. She looked at him and nodded.

"She did. She's spending a lot of time at the gym and at the spa."

"Good." Fin replied. He walked in and sat down in front of her desk.

"May I help you in any other way, Fin?" Olivia questioned.

"Are you two happy?" Fin asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Peter and I are very happy." She smiled.

"Yeah? Gonna get married soon?" Fin asked, and Olivia shrugged.

"I have no idea. We might. I kinda want a nice big wedding. I know it sounds weird because I'm old and have two kids and stuff..."

"You've never had a wedding before. Go all out if that is what you want." Fin smiled.

"Would you be willing to take over as CO again in the future?" Olivia asked because she knew that she wanted to start actively trying for another baby again. Before she got too much older.

"Why?" Fin questioned.

"Because Peter and I want another baby." Olivia smiled softly.

"Baby girl..." Fin trailed off.

"I know that you don't like me being sick and as sick as I had been with Hadley... but we want another kid. Just one more. To kinda complete our family." Olivia replied.

"I can't tell you what to do, but just be careful... okay? I don't want you to get sick and die or anything."

"I won't die. Peter said the same thing, but I won't. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I'm too stubborn to die."


Olivia drove home by herself that night because Peter was going out for drinks with a few of the other ADAs that he works with. Olivia pulled up and saw the blinds in the living room shift and she knew that Noah had been watching for her. Olivia smiled as she opened the garage door and pulled into her spot. 

She got out and headed towards the door into the kitchen, but even before she could open the door, Noah was running out of it and hugging his mother's waist.

"Momma! I've missed you!" He exclaimed, and Olivia smiled as she leaned down and kissed his curls. She made a mental note to herself to get him in for a haircut.

"I've missed you too, Noah. Did you have a good day at school?" Olivia questioned, and Noah nodded.

"Yeah. Lucy helped me with my homework and I've been playing with Hadley since I finished!" Noah exclaimed, a smile gracing his sweet face. Olivia smiled, before cupping his cheeks with her hands and gently placing a kiss to his forehead.

"Why don't you go wash up and I'll get dinner out. I brought home chicken."

"Yes!" Noah exclaimed, before turning and running into the house. Everything Noah did was at one speed, and it was always faster than his mother and father could ever compete with.

Olivia sat the bag of food on the counter before going into the living room. Hadley was sitting in her bouncer while Lucy cleaned up the stuff she had brought.

"Hey, Lucy. How was Haddie today?" Olivia asked, as she walked over and picked up a very happy looking Hadley from her bouncer.

"She was a perfect angel as usual. Is it okay if I take off? I have an exam in the morning." Lucy spoke.

"Or you could stay and enjoy dinner with me and my kids." Olivia smiled, and Lucy nodded.

"I might just take you up on that offer. Want me to set the table?" She asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, it's okay. We can eat out here. Noah will probably want to watch cartoons."

"Where is Peter?" Lucy asked, as Olivia held Hadley close and kissed her curls softly.

"He is having some drinks with his friends, so I guess it's just us tonight."


Lucy went home after dinner and Olivia went through the process of getting her kids to bed. She bathed both kids and then she cuddled with them in the living room while Noah watched some more cartoons before bed. At 9, and after Hadley had fallen asleep cuddled close to her mother, Olivia took Noah upstairs and put him in his racecar bed that he was quickly outgrowing because he seemed to keep getting taller.

"Okay, so tell Haddie goodnight," Olivia whispered as she held her baby close.

"Nighty night, Haddie. I love you." Noah whispered. He leaned forward and kissed Hadley's temple just like Olivia does to him, before he snuggled down under the blankets and smiled at his mother.

"Are you going to be able to sleep?" Olivia questioned before she leaned down and kissed Noah's forehead before walking over, her arm wrapped around her sleeping baby, before leaning down and turning on Noah's nightlight.

"Yeah. Send Daddy in when he gets home, okay? I'll try to be asleep by then, but I can't promise." Noah breathed.

"Okay, well close your eyes and dream about the very best things you can dream about, sweet boy."

"Like another baby sister?" Noah asked, and Olivia laughed softly.

"If that gets you to sleep." She smiled.

"Can I get another one? Please, Momma."

"You really like being a big brother, huh?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, a lot. I love Haddie and I'm going to protect her from everything." Noah spoke.

"I love you, sweetie." Olivia breathed.

"I love you too, Momma. And I love you, Haddie." Noah smiled. Olivia left the room before shutting the door behind her. She walked down the hall and put Haddie in her crib before heading to her own room.

She sat on the bed for a moment and thought about what Noah said. She was glad that he wanted another sibling because it was going to make her worry less about him not feeling loved if they welcomed another baby into their family.

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