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Olivia continued to lay back as tears ran down her cheeks. Peter held her hand and rubbed small circles into the top of her hand as they waited for the doctor to come back.

"Her heartbeat sounded strong. Very strong. But what if it wasn't as strong as it sounded to us?" Olivia asked, and Peter shook his head.

"It was strong, baby. I just don't know if there is something wrong with the baby or with you..." Peter trailed off. Olivia quickly glanced at him as tears streamed down her cheeks, and have been since the tech left the room.

"I don't want to be sick, Peter. What if I could possibly harm our little baby? Noah is already too excited for this baby." Olivia breathed.

"You won't harm our daughter, Livvie. Let's just sit you up and then maybe you can breath easier."

"I didn't even tell you that my chest feels like there is a brick on it," Olivia whispered.

"Because I know you."


Olivia's doctor came in and performed another ultrasound before asking Olivia and Peter to meet her in her office. Olivia cleaned the gel from her stomach before she and Peter followed the doctor into her office.

"Alright, so Olivia and Peter, what I saw confused me last week but I feel like I know what it is now. Both things."

"Both? I thought that the shadow was concerning... what else is?" Olivia asked.

"It's very rare, like incredibly rare... but it looks like in earlier scans we didn't detect that you are pregnant with twins."

"Twins?" Peter asked as Olivia drew in a sharp breath.

"Yes. We believe so. We are going to take you to the hospital and perform some more tests until we are completely sure. But then there is another thing that isn't good news."

"Is the other baby not alive or is it sick?" Olivia asked as Peter squeezed Olivia's hand tightly.

"I think that there is a hematoma in the gap between the twins and the placenta. It's serious, so we need to take you to the hospital so we can diagnose it correctly and can start to treat it."

"What's a hematoma? Like, is that bleeding or something?" Peter asked, and the doctor nodded.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so. But we can get this all figured out."

"Do you think I'll have to stay in the hospital for a while? Like overnight?" Olivia breathed.

"I do... so why don't you go home and make some plans for the kids and pack a bag. Meet me at the hospital at around 2? Then we can start."


Olivia and Peter went to the appointment to find out the gender of their baby, but when they left they found out that they were more than likely having twins and that Olivia was bleeding. It made them completely silent, and neither knew what to say or what to think and feel.

"Nothing is set in stone yet. This could all just be a mistake and we will be coming home with one strong baby girl in a few months." Peter spoke, as he packed Olivia a bag while she wrote up a list of stuff that Lucy will have to know while watching both kids. Olivia had wanted to have Amanda or Fin watch the kids, but she didn't want to scare them. She was already going to be out of work till this can all be figured out, they didn't need to figure out how to help take care of two kids along with that.

"We will need another crib, and we'll have to figure out how to fit four kids in two bedrooms," Olivia spoke. She looked over at Peter and saw him smiling a bit.

"How are you happy and not freaking out?" Olivia asked.

"Because I'm thinking about three little girls for me and Noah to protect," Peter spoke, and Olivia sat the pen down before running her hand over her stomach.

"We are screwed, Peter. Like if these girls are as adorable as Hadley is, boys are gonna be all over them." Olivia spoke, and Peter nodded.

"See, it'll be good. Maybe the hidden one is a boy." Peter smiled.

"It's a girl. I did some research on the way home, and it said that when a twin is hidden behind the other one, it's because they share the same sac or something... Identical twins." Olivia spoke, and Peter smiled again.

"We'll have fun raising three girls and one little boy."


Peter waited in the waiting room while Dr. Peterson took a look at his wife. He was waiting for bad news because it seems like pregnancy and Olivia isn't always a good pairing. They were just lucky that Hadley and Olivia made it through it completely fine.

"Mr. Stone, can I talk to you?" Dr. Peterson asked, and Peter nodded.

"Yeah... please don't sugarcoat it okay? My wife and my kids mean the world to me, so if my wife and my babies aren't doing well, just tell it to me." Peter replied.

"We didn't notice that your wife was bleeding because she wasn't spotting like many women do when they get these hematomas. But, we caught it at a point where it isn't as bad as it could be. So, we are going to do a small surgery, and we are going to clean up the bleeding. Then, I'm also here to congratulate you on another little girl. She's strong just like her twin and will do just fine. All three of them will be fine." Dr. Peterson spoke, and Peter felt tears run down his cheeks but he was smiling.

"I'm going to have four kids in 5 months... you know how scary but amazing that is?" Peter asked, and Dr. Peterson smiled.

"I was there when Olivia got her pregnancy to Hadley confirmed. She was so scared that you wouldn't stick around and help her. I'm glad you stuck around because she needs you. Your three daughters and Noah need you."

"I'm so excited to meet my girls... So, can I see Olivia? Does she have time before surgery?" Peter asked.

"We are scheduling to for tonight at 6. I thought then that gives you all plenty of time to see her. Maybe so then you could bring the kids up?"

"Yeah, I'll get them. Thanks, Dr. Peterson."

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