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Olivia and Noah slept on the floor of his bedroom that night. Once the sun seeped into the room that morning, Olivia's eyes opened and pain filled her body. She started to slowly sit up, before looking over at her son who had gotten a few stuffed animals sometime in the middle of the night and watched as he clung to them and continued to sleep.

Olivia slowly stood and stretched her cramped limbs before walking from the room. She shut the door behind her before going to check on Hadley, and then to lift the wide-awake twins from their cribs before they woke up Haddie.

"You two can never seem to sleep in, huh?" Olivia asked as she carried Kamryn and Ember into the living room. She sat them down on their playmat and moved to grab them their teething rings and blocks. She put them in front of the girls, before sinking down on the floor beside them.

She reached out and ran her fingers through their messy dirty blonde curls before hearing the door to Noah's room open.

"I'm gonna be late for school." Noah breathed, as he padded across the carpet and to where his mother sat.

"I'll call you in. I think that you could use a long weekend. Just you, the girls, and me. How does that sound?" Olivia asked, as she turned and looked at her son.

"Can we go see Daddy?" Noah asked, and Olivia frowned. She should have known that Noah would ask again.

"Kids aren't allowed on his ward, Noah. We just have to deal with not seeing him for a bit. Okay?" She replied.

"No! It's not okay! I want to see Daddy, and I want to see him now!" Noah screamed, his voice sharp and shrill.

Olivia couldn't say yes, so all she could seem to do was start to cry. She stood slowly as Noah stared at her with wide eyes. She picked Kamryn and Ember up again before sitting them in their playpen, then she walked to her bedroom and shut the door tightly.

She leaned against it before sinking down onto the floor as sobs shook her body.

It was her time to be weak.


The twins started to cry when they were both hungry and needed their diapers changed. So Noah came to his mother's door and knocked on it as he heard her sniffling on the other side of the door.

"Momma, Kamryn and Ember are crying. They need you, Momma." Noah breathed, as he leaned his forehead against the door.

"I'll be out soon, Noah." Olivia whimpered, as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. She had curled up on the floor in front of the door and didn't want to move. She just wanted to stay there and cry.

"But Momma, they are really sad. I think they need their diapers changed... and I'm hungry too. So is Haddie." Noah replied as he grew nervous that his mother wouldn't come out and that his sisters would be uncomfortable all day.

"I said I'd be out soon!" Olivia exclaimed. She slowly scrambled to her feet before swinging the door open. Noah stumbled back, as his mother stepped past him and to where the twins were crying. 

She looked into the playpen as the girls reached their arms up to her, but she couldn't get herself to pick them up. She just felt so drained.


"Noah, get my phone and call Aunt Amanda..." Olivia whispered as she sank down beside the playpen.

"What do I tell her?" Noah whimpered, as his stomach growled.

"Just tell her that I need her."


Amanda didn't even tell Fin what was happening. All she did was leave and rush over to Olivia's apartment. When she got there, Noah opened the door and quickly hugged her legs.

"Momma can't do anything! She's so... she can't stop crying! Please help!" Noah exclaimed, and Amanda nodded. She messed up his hair before walking into the living room where Olivia was laying next to the playpen, as her body shook from sobs.

"Noah, can you go into the kitchen and get me a jar of baby food and then make sure the trays on the highchairs are off so I can put the twins in them?" Amanda asked, and Noah nodded before he ran off.

Amanda lifted the twins up before carrying them into the girls' room. Hadley was laying on her bed crying, and Amanda felt so bad for this family that has gone through so many bad things.

"Haddie, wanna help me out?" Amanda asked as she laid Kamryn in the crib before going and starting to change Ember's diaper.

"How?" She sniffled.

"Go out and lay with your Momma. I'll make you breakfast once I get the girls changed and fed. Can you wait that long?" Amanda asked, and Hadley nodded before tugging on the bottom of her nightshirt.

"I wet myself..." Hadley whispered, and Amanda frowned.

"It's okay. Jesse has accidents too. Now, go get out of those wet clothes and ask Noah to help you get dressed for the day. I have this under control."


It took awhile, but eventually, Amanda got everything under control. She even did a few loads of laundry since Hadley's bed sheets were wet.

Once Amanda got the kids down for an early afternoon nap, she walked out and sat down beside Olivia. She reached out and ran her hand gently over Olivia's messy brown hair.

"You got to be weak. You can still be weak. I'll be the strong one. So, I think it's time you go take a shower and get something to eat." Amanda spoke.

"Amanda, I couldn't get myself to take care of my kids. I couldn't even feed them." Olivia whimpered. She ran her hands over her face before rolling over to look at the young detective.

"When was the last time you spent a night with Peter at the hospital?" Amanda asked.

"Last week... I can't sleep there anymore. I can't do that." Olivia whimpered.

"Well, today you are. I've got the kids. Maybe you just need to be with Peter for a bit. As if he didn't get hit by a truck."

"But he isn't awake. He isn't breathing by himself. He isn't my husband anymore because he is in a coma!"

 Hey guys, thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below. 

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