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Peter took some medicine and took a warm shower before feeling good enough to spend the day with his wife and his daughter that was almost one. He watched as Olivia pushed Hadley on the swing, and he realized that no matter who he was with before he met Olivia, no one could measure up to her. Kathryn had been his first love, but Olivia was his forever love.

"Gonna come join us, Peter?" Olivia called, and Peter smiled and nodded before walking out the back door and heading down the stairs and into the yard. Hadley squealed when she saw him, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Gotta love hearing my baby's excitement when she sees me," Peter spoke, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Hearing Hadley's squeals makes my heart swell. It's like with Noah, Hadley, and this baby... I know that our family is complete." Olivia smiled.

"Want me to take over? You could go take a nap or something. I bet that you are tired." Peter offered, and Olivia shook her head.

"I'm fine. I'm surprised that I'm not as tired now as I was earlier in this pregnancy or when I was pregnant with Haddie. Don't you want to spend time with me? Or did you already get bored of me since I'm your old lady now?" Olivia teased, and he sighed before wrapping his arms around her slightly swollen waist and pulled her close. Hadley's swing slowly slowed down, as her parents got absorbed with each other.

It wasn't until Hadley screamed at the top of her lungs, that her parents started to pay attention to her again.

"What's wrong, my sweet little baby?" Olivia cooed, as she went to pick up Hadley. But then she noticed a red swollen bump on Hadley's arm, and how her daughter's face had gone red.

"Hadley! Peter!" Olivia cried, as she quickly lifted her daughter up. Peter looked at her with wide eyes before pulling his phone out and calling an ambulance as Olivia tried to figure out why her daughter wasn't breathing. She sank to the ground as tears ran down her cheeks and she tried to figure out if her daughter had swallowed something.

"Oh my god," Peter spoke, as he listened to the dispatcher talking to him.

"Sir?" The dispatcher asked.

"I think she got stung by a bee. I see one right now. That's what is wrong!"


An ambulance had arrived at the house within five minutes. Olivia had to start doing CPR on her baby, as tears streamed down her cheeks and kept telling her daughter to hold on. The EMTs took the baby to the hospital in the back of the ambulance, while Olivia and Peter followed behind in their van. Olivia felt ill, and she kept urging her husband to keep right behind the ambulance, even if that meant running all the same red lights.

"Baby, if we get pulled over we won't make it to the hospital and be able to be there with Hadley," Peter replied, as he kept up with the same speed of over 70 that the ambulance was going at.

"I need to get where my baby is, Peter. I have to be with Hadley." Olivia whimpered, as she looked over at her.

"I know, and I want to be with her too, baby. Please, just keep-" Peter started, but then the flashing lights of a police cruiser started up behind them. Olivia started to sob, as Peter pulled over. He grabbed his wife's purse and grabbed her badge from it when the officers walked up and he rolled his window down.

"Sir, may I ask you how fast you were going?" The officer asked.

"About 70, but it's because my wife and I were following that ambulance. Our daughter had an allergic reaction to a bee sting, and she's 11 months old. This is my wife's badge. She is the Lieutenant of Manhattan Sex Crimes and I'm an ADA." Peter spoke, his voice barely shaking as he said those words.

"Ma'am?" The officer asked, and Olivia wiped the tears from her cheeks before looking at him.

"I don't like breaking the law, but that is my baby. She needs me, and I have to get to her. So please... just look me up in the database and you will see that I am who my husband said I am. Then come back tell us we can go, because if my baby dies, I will never be able to get over that." Olivia spoke, but the officer just handed the badge back before hitting the side of the van and telling them to get on their way.


When they finally got to the hospital, Hadley was getting worked on. Olivia held on tightly to her husband's hand as they walked into the ER. 

"We are the parents of that baby... Hadley Pamela Stone." Peter spoke.

"Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Stone, your daughter stopped breathing in the ambulance, but they were able to get her back. She is intubated, and is going to be moved to the NICU to be watched until she stabilizes." The nurse spoke.

"Can we see her before she goes up? Just so I know... that my husband and I know that she's okay?" Olivia spoke, and the nurse nodded as the door opened and the doctors came running out with Hadley on a gurney too big for her small body. Olivia and Peter quickly went running after them, and Olivia rested her hand against her daughter's tiny chest as the doctor just let them run with them.

"Hadley, baby girl... it's Momma. I'm going to be waiting here with Daddy when you get up. Keep fighting, Haddie. Keep fighting for all of us, because you are going to be such an amazing and smart young girl, and you are right now. I can't lose you, and your father and brother need you too." Olivia cried but then Peter grabbed her arm and stopped her from following the doctors any longer.

"I love you, Hadley! So much!" Olivia cried, as the doors closed. She turned and sobbed into her husband's chest.

"God, please don't take our daughter from us. Please protect her and give us the strength to make it through this." Peter prayed as he held his wife close as her body shook. 

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