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Noah's excitement for his siblings stretched out for several weeks after his parents finally told him the names of his newest siblings. We were so happy, and he wanted to be involved in every bit of preparation for his sisters. 

"I think that there could be two other cribs in here," Olivia spoke, as she and Peter stood in Hadley's nursery and decided if they could fit Kamryn and Ember in here along with Hadley.

"Or I could move in here and the girls can have my room," Noah spoke, and Olivia turned to look at her son.

"What?" She asked, and Noah smiled as he walked over to her and placed his hands against her swell and smiled up at her.

"Well, my room is big, Momma. I can stay in here and the girls can have my room. I'd be okay with that." Noah spoke. Olivia smiled before leaning down and kissing Noah's hair gently.

"Thanks, baby... but are you sure? That's been your room since you were two and we moved in here." Olivia spoke, and Noah nodded.

"As long as we can paint this room green, I'll be okay with it." Noah smiled, and Olivia looked over at her husband as he measured the room again to make sure he had gotten it right. He looked over at her and sighed.

"We can't fit two more cribs, another dresser and keep the changing table. We need more space." Peter spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Thanks, sweet boy. You are the absolute best." Olivia smiled, and Noah grinned.

"I know I am!" He exclaimed, before running out as his parents laughed.


While Hadley was napping the next day, Peter and Noah put together the two other cribs that Olivia had picked out. Then downstairs Olivia was folding the new baby clothes that she and Amanda had gone shopping for since all of the clothes that they had for Hadley couldn't cloth the twins.

"Alright, little man. I think that these are good." Peter smiled, as he stood in Noah's old room and looked where the cribs were.

"So now what?" Noah asked, and Peter sighed.

"I think that we move your bed into my bedroom, and then start getting your toys moved into the living room. Then we move all of Haddie's things in here and start painting your new room." Peter spoke, and Noah looked at him.

"That is a lot of work, Daddy."

"But we have to pretend that it isn't a lot of work... Momma needs to think that you and I don't need help." Peter explained, but his wife was heading down the hall with the basket of baby clothes and she stopped outside of the room and looked at her 'men' as she called them.

"If you need help, ask. If you need help but don't want to let me know you need it, then discuss it in a more private room." Olivia smiled. 

"Okay. Well, we might need some help. Like we have to move all of this furniture out of here and then move Hadley's stuff out of her room too." Peter spoke. Olivia nodded before shifting the basket to the other side of her body.

"Well, let me put this away and I can help. I'm sure that we can get this figured out. It just might take my mind to figure it out." Olivia smiled.

"Really? You think you can figure this out, Momma?" Noah teased, and Olivia nodded.

"I'm your Momma, sweet boy. I can do anything and figure anything out."


Everything was moved into the new rooms, and Noah's room was painted a bright green and several decals were placed all over the walls. He liked his room, even if it was smaller. But he liked the idea of having three sisters more exciting than having a big room.

"So, next week Daddy and I have to go to the hospital," Olivia spoke, as she put Noah down that night in his new room. He looked at his mother, his eyes full of confusion.

"Why?" Noah asked.

"Well, because the doctors decided that next week the twins will be big enough to be born. I can't keep them in my belly for too much longer because we don't want them to get too uncomfortable and for them to get sick." Olivia spoke.

"So Kamryn and Ember are going to be here next week? What day?!" Noah exclaimed.

"Wednesday. We are going in at 6 in the morning, and they think the twins should be here by the time you are out of school. Daddy will come to get you and Hadley, and then you can see them."

"I can't wait to meet them. I talk to them a lot, but I want to know which baby kicks my hands." Noah spoke.

"Kamryn is the feisty one, Noah. She's the one that keeps beating you up." Olivia laughed softly.

"Thanks, Momma... I guess that I didn't notice how close it was to the twins coming."

"Well, they are about five weeks early... but that's okay. They are strong."

"Why are you just now telling me?" Noah asked.

"Because I didn't want you to get all worked up and start to get distracted in school because you get so excited about being a big brother again," Olivia replied.

"Okay... well... night Momma... and night Kamryn and Ember," Noah spoke. Olivia leaned down and kissed Noah's forehead gently.

"Night, baby."


Olivia went down the hall and walked into the open door of her bedroom. Peter was shining his shoes for the morning and he looked over at his wife and smiled.

"So?" He asked.

"He's super excited. I think that maybe he is more excited about the babies than we are." She smiled.

"No. I think I'm more excited than he is. Especially after the hard year we've had." Peter spoke. His wife took her robe off and hung it up before looking at her husband.

"I'm tired, Peter. Mind putting your shoes away and joining me?" She asked.

"I'll join you. Just let me finish this up."

"Nope. We are going to have three babies and a 6-year-old in this house soon. We need to make sure we do something with our quiet time. So, I was thinking you and I could talk? Or you could just hold me for a bit..."

"Anything you want, Livvie." Peter grinned.

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