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One month after Hadley was born, she had her well-baby checkup. Her parents had prevented Elliot from weaseling his way into their lives, so Hadley didn't have to live in a home that was full of tension.

"Peter?" Olivia asked as they waited in the waiting room of the pediatrician's office.

"Yeah?" He questioned.

"Do you want more kids?" She breathed, and he quickly turned to look at her.

"What?" He questioned.

"Well, I was just wondering. It's been a month since our daughter was born, and I didn't know if you wanted more. Because if you did, it would have to happen soon." She breathed. Peter grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently.

"Honey, don't you dare worry about that. If you get pregnant again in the near future, I won't be upset about it. And if we only have Hadley and Noah, I won't be upset about that either." He replied. Olivia nodded before bringing his hand to her lips and kissing it gently. She smiled at him before lifting up the blanket that covered up Hadley's carrier, and she smiled when she saw her daughter sleeping.

"Honestly, I wouldn't be upset either way." She smiled. Peter reached into the carrier and quickly tucked Hadley's pacifier back in her mouth before she started to cry, then he took the blanket from his girlfriend and covered their baby back up.

Peter and Olivia waited in silence, but both were thinking. Thinking about their future together, and Olivia was thinking about if her body could possibly go through another pregnancy if it were to happen.


After Haddie got her shots, was weighed, and her responses checked, Olivia and Peter took her out of the building and headed to their vehicle. They were going to take her to the precinct to see the crew again, but Olivia was wondering if they were going to be free to see Hadley again.

"Olivia!" A voice exclaimed as Olivia finished hooking Hadley into her spot. Olivia turned around and saw Elliot walking towards her and Peter.

"Uh..." Olivia whispered as she turned to look at her boyfriend.

"I'll get in the car. If you need me to get out and hurt him, just tell me." He spoke, and Olivia nodded. She gave herself a moment to calm down before she turned around as Elliot got to her.

"Elliot." She breathed.

"Hey, Liv. What are you doing here?" Elliot asked, as Olivia shut the door and looked at him.

"One month check up. You?" She questioned, not wanting to get into more of a conversation regarding her life.

"Maureen brought the twins here for their check up and I am helping her out."

"I expected you to leave after Kathleen's wedding." Olivia breathed, and Elliot nodded.

"Kathy and I were going to go back, but we decided to move her. To be with our friends and family." He spoke, smiling a bit. Olivia nodded slowly before crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't think you have any friends left here anymore, Elliot. You lost us all when you split. So, if you don't mind, I need to get going." She spoke, before turning to walk around to the other side of the vehicle, but Elliot grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"I think we need to talk, Liv. About what Peter did." He breathed, and Olivia shook his hand off of her arm, before staring him down.

"Peter did nothing to you. You fractured two of his ribs, and he didn't touch you. So, we have nothing to talk about. Enjoy your family, and leave mine alone."


"She didn't spit up on you?" Fin huffed, as Olivia took a wipe and tried to clean up the spit up that her daughter had left on his shirt.

"No, she loves her Aunt Amanda." Amanda smiled, as she held Hadley to her shoulder and swayed a bit.

"Did her checkup go good?" Carisi asked as Peter left the locker room with the shirt Fin left in his locker. Fin never expected to need to change out of his shirt because Olivia's daughter got sick on him, but it was worth it to see her happy.

"It did. She's growing, but she doesn't like getting shots." Peter replied. He passed the shirt to Fin, and he changed while Carisi took his turn holding Hadley.

"Jesse didn't either. But it's good she's growing, and honestly, I can see it. She's not as tiny as when we first met her." Amanda smiled. Olivia nodded, but she wasn't really all there at the moment. Olivia sank down onto the edge of Fin's normal desk when he isn't in charge, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Are you okay, Benson?" Amanda asked, and even if everyone tried not to listen, they were.

"Uh, my old partner was at the doctor's when we were leaving. He asked me to talk." She breathed, and Fin swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry that I gave him your number, Liv."

"Yeah. I know. But he tried to frame Peter. He wants to get Peter out of my life, but after that, I don't think he has a plan." Olivia sighed. Peter sat beside her and wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close.

"We got a report about a fight happening at the DA's office. Was that you?" Amanda asked, and Olivia sighed as she looked up at Peter.

"Elliot showed up and beat my ass. He said he wanted me to just stand there and let him beat me up. He called Liv and told her that I hurt him, but I didn't fight back. Liv didn't want me to fight back." Peter frowned.

"That's a first." Fin laughed, as he took Hadley back, risking the cleanliness of his shirt.

"What is?" Peter questioned.

"Me being with someone who listens to what I say. One who doesn't fight whenever they get a chance. One who thinks about what I say and takes it to heart. Like when I asked you not to fight." Olivia spoke. Peter nodded before leaning over and kissing her temple gently.

"I listen to you because you are my girlfriend and the woman I love with all my heart. I didn't want to hurt you like all the guys before have."

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