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Peter carried Noah into the house after he fell asleep on the way home from the batting cages. As soon as Peter opened the kitchen door, Olivia was standing there ready to talk to him.

"How did it go?" She spoke, and Peter smiled before stealing a kiss from her lips.

"It went good. You seem happier than earlier." Peter smiled, and Olivia nodded.

"I am. Haddie and I cuddled some more, and she's sleeping again. But I did do some research to help us get her on a healthy sleep pattern." Olivia replied. Peter and Olivia walked through the kitchen and up the stairs. Peter laid Noah in his bed, and he and Olivia changed him into his pajamas. They both kissed his head before turning on his nightlight and heading towards their bedroom.

"So, did you get a chance to bat at all?" Olivia asked as she climbed into bed. Peter had already made his way to where Hadley was sleeping. He picked her up and held her close before turning around and looking at his girlfriend.

"No. My hand hurts so I didn't want to mess it up more." Peter replied. He kissed Hadley's hair before laying her back down and heading into the bathroom.

"What did you do to it?" Olivia questioned, and Peter didn't know how to really get around it. Does he tell her that he punched Elliot, or does he say he did something else to it?

"Babe?" Olivia asked. She had moved to the doorway of the bathroom as he started the shower.

"What if I said I met your former partner?" Peter asked, and she bit her lip.

"What did you do, Peter?" She whispered.

"I told him to stay away from you. For the kids. From our family. Baby, he was being a dick so I punched him in the stomach. I said I'd punch him in his pretty face, but that might've broken my hand."

"Oh, Peter!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Liv! I really am! It's just that I couldn't not go up and talk to him. Baby, it will never happen again." He breathed.

"I didn't want you to see him. To see the reason why I had fallen for him. I didn't want you to get scared." Olivia whispered.

"Scared of him? No! I'm so much better than him." He laughed.

"Stay away from him, Peter. Please."

"I promise. If I would've known that this would make you so upset, I wouldn't have done it."

"Violence makes me upset, especially right now."


Peter said he wouldn't see Elliot, and he meant it. But Elliot has always been the type of man to want to get revenge. He was going to see Peter and punch him back before going to see Olivia. He wanted to tell her before Peter could about what happened. He wanted to put Peter in a bad light so that maybe Olivia would not feel so angry at himself, but would be pissed off at Peter.

"Sir, Mr. Stone isn't-" Peter's assistant spoke, but Elliot didn't listen. He pushed past her and swung open the door to Peter's office. Peter was sitting on his couch, talking to Olivia since it is his lunch break. He looked over at Elliot and sighed.

"I've gotta go, baby. I love you and Hadley. Make sure you tell her that." Peter spoke, before hanging up. He stood up and smiled.

"What the hell are you doing here, Elliot?" Peter questioned.

"We are going to settle this. You are going to stand there and I'm going to kick your scrawny ass." Elliot huffed.

"You are like 2 feet shorter than me, and you are older than me too. Wanna bet on who's gonna win?" Peter asked.

"Fuck off, pretty boy," Elliot yelled. Peter pulled out his phone and went to dial the number for the head of security, but Elliot was running at him and started to hit him.

Peter told Olivia that he wouldn't do anything to Elliot, so he let him just hit him. He tried to block himself, but it was hard to not hit him back after the beating started. Eventually, Peter's assistant got security and they pulled Elliot off of Peter. Peter stood slowly and winced as he felt an ache in his ribs and could feel blood oozing from his face.



Peter went home after he went into the bathroom and cleaned up his wounds. His nose was still bleeding a bit, but not enough for him to worry too much. Peter snuck into the house and went into the downstairs bedroom while he heard Olivia showering upstairs. He took out the first aid kit and put a few bandages on the cuts, but he knew that Olivia would notice because they were Mickey Mouse bandages.

"Peter?" Olivia questioned, and Peter walked out of the downstairs bathroom and saw his girlfriend standing at the bottom of the stairs, dressed in her favorite fluffy robe.

"Hey, babe. How are you?" He asked, and Olivia froze as she looked him over.

"What happened?"

"I just scratched up my face a bit. No big deal. Is Haddie sleeping deeply enough that you managed to shower?" He asked, and Olivia walked over to him and unbuttoned his shirt before running her fingers gently over the bruises on his chest.

"Elliot beat you up, didn't he?" She whispered, and Peter swallowed hard.

"You told me not to get in contact with him again, or hurt him again. So I didn't fight back." Peter breathed.

"He came to your office and beat you up?! Peter!" She cried. Peter pulled her close and kissed her hair gently.

"I'm trying to not go against what you asked of me. I don't want you to be disappointed in me." Peter breathed.

"Elliot called me and told me that you had beat him up. That you went to his hotel room and kicked his ass!" Olivia cried into Peter's chest.

"I promise you, babe, that I didn't do anything to him. Security had to pull him off of me. I didn't touch him."

"You aren't lying to me again, right?" Olivia asked, and Peter frowned. 

"I'm not. I didn't do anything to him."

"Good. I'm blocking his number. I'm not letting him into our lives. He hurt you, even after I told him that I love you."

Hey guys! Sorry if this was a bad chapter. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below!

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