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Peter hated that Olivia was still nervous that he'd leave her for Kathryn. He never wanted to go a day without being with Olivia, but it was so hard to prove that to her to a point where she would never start thinking that he doesn't want her once again.

"When was the last time you fed the twins?" Peter asked quietly, as Olivia continued to hold onto him.

"Half an hour ago. We still have an hour and a half to get some sleep. Amanda is keeping the kids out for a bit so we can get some sort of rest." Olivia spoke.

"I don't want to sleep," Peter spoke, and Olivia shifted up a bit and looked at her husband.

"Why not?" She questioned quickly.

"Because I want to discuss with you what you said about me leaving you for Kathryn," Peter spoke, and Olivia frowned as she leaned back in and buried her face into his shirt.

"I'm sorry, Peter. Just seeing her brought back bad memories. Memories of feeling lonely and depressed. Feelings of me being scared to death because I thought that I would be raising Noah and Hadley all by myself. Those nights were the worst ones I have ever gone through. The nights where you were laying with Kathryn and I was sharing my bed with Noah and I'd wake up with his feet in my face." Olivia spoke, as she slowly pushed herself up and climbed out of bed.

She walked over to where the twins were and she lifted Kamryn up with her left arm and then lifted Ember up with her right arm. She sank down onto one of the chairs before looking over at her husband.

"Those nights are in the past, Liv. There is never going to be a night where I'm with her but not with you."

"Are you sure, because Peter... this life is what we have now. Four kids under the age of seven. There is going to be close calls and late nights. There are going to be fights and nights where one of us sleep on the couch. There are going to be a ton of nights where we are watching Noah playing sports or enjoying whatever the girls end up deciding to do. I hope you are prepared for a life like this, but if you aren't you need to tell me so I can figure something out." Olivia spoke.

She looked down at the twins again and waited for Peter to respond. She was hoping and praying that he wasn't going to stand and leave.

"That life sounds pretty fucking amazing, Olivia. Sign. Me. Up."


5 Months Later

They loved their apartment, and they decided that they wanted to continue to live there instead of trying to find a house that could stand up to the one that they had before. The kids were doing great, and Peter and Olivia were completely happy.

"Are you sure, like absolutely positive that you are going to be good with the kids today? All four of them?" Olivia questioned as she got ready for work. Not only had they decided to keep the apartment, Peter decided to take an extended leave from work. He wanted to focus mostly on his family and kids, and he really liked being a house husband as his wife lovingly called him.

"You need to go back to work, Liv. Like, you are driving me and our children crazy being here when we all know that you need to go back to work and fight bad guys." Peter replied, and Olivia smiled as she grabbed her jacket.

"Okay, well I'll be home at 3 since I want to go to Noah's t-ball game. Lucy is coming over to watch the babies so then we won't be distracted when tonight is all about Noah." Olivia smiled, as she saw Hadley walk out of her bedroom and rub her eyes with her fists.

"Momma, where you going?" Hadley asked, and Olivia walked over to her daughter and picked her up. She held Hadley close as her sleepy daughter cuddled close.

"I'm going to work, Haddie. I'll see you tonight." Olivia spoke gently.

"Okay. I love you, Momma." Hadley replied as she yawned.

"Listen to your father today. And if Noah doesn't want you to play with him, play with the twins instead." Olivia spoke.

"Okay," Hadley mumbled as she fell back asleep. Olivia passed her to Peter before kissing her husband deeply.

"Noah is going to be angry that he didn't get to see me this morning, but just let him call me and everyth-"

"I'm their father, I know what to do." Peter smiled. He reached out and touched his wife's cheek gently before smiling.

"Have a good day, baby." Peter grinned.

"Enjoy the fits," Olivia smirked.


The twins both got sick. Hadley got a fever. Noah was in tears because his uniform still had grass stains on the legs. 

Peter knew that there were going to be problems, but he was hoping they wouldn't come on the first day that Olivia went back to work.

"I need the green to be gone, Daddy!" Noah cried as Peter poured tide onto the legs of Noah's pants before tossing them back into the washer.

"I know, and I'm working on it kid. Now, please go check on Haddie in her room. Make sure that she is comfortable." Peter spoke.

"But then I'll get sick!" Noah yelled, as the tears got worse and he started to cough. Peter picked him up and carried him to the bathroom just in case he did throw up. Then he walked towards the girls' room. He opened the door and all three girls were sleeping. Peter turned around and saw Noah standing behind him as more tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I'm sick, Daddy." Noah whimpered.

"You got yourself worked up. You aren't sick. Let's give you a bath then you can nap before your game. Everything will work out."


Olivia got an SOS text from her husband nearly an hour before she was due to come home. She left Fin in charge of the crew before heading over to the apartment.

"Sinking ship?" Olivia asked, and Peter frowned from where he stood in the living room.

"The twins and Hadley have the flu. Noah had a breakdown and got sick because I couldn't get week old grass stains out of his pants." Peter frowned.

"It's okay. I bought him another pair just in case. He can wear those and I'll get the grass stains out of the other ones. Go take a long hot shower and I'll get everything under control." Olivia smiled gently. She walked over to Peter and kissed him several times before sending him towards the bathroom.

"You did a good job though, babe!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Don't pity me, Liv!"

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